Uncustomary Hiccups

Deranged extreme.


ZZZZZ's on the Floor 

So there I was....at one of my best friend's bday party, her 21st.

And after eating a fine meal we sat there talking. Wait, let me rephrase. Everyone else sat their talking while I sprawled on the floor. Mmmmmm the floor...

Lately, I have been particuarly stressed, sick, and lacking of sleep.

I lay there, listening to my friends voices murmer in the background, the light glow flickering above my eyelids and suddenly I just feel asleep. On my friend's floor.

I think it's a sign. No not from God. But from my body that it's time to sleep till eternity. Since I was little I never took naps and suddenly I'm falling asleep everywhere, massage chairs, class, floors, bus....and on.

Not only that, I am altering my hormones as the link above tells you. My body is influx. Someone please save it!
Posted by Steviek @ 18:04


napping in massage chairs!? that doesn't sound so bad!

for the no-sleep age-inducing hormones i suggest you Contact, John Easton (773) 702-6241. I read somewhere he was good with just this sort of thing. I don't know if he makes house-calls though.
By Blogger Aaron E.K., at 11:29 PM
Hmmmm, this is kind of werid now Surf.

Who is this guy? And what will he do for me? balance my hormone levels.

Can you imagine every morning, I have the same levels as symptons of possible diabetics...gah. 10 hrs of sleep here I come...in 2 weeks!

hehehe ;)
By Blogger Steviek, at 12:31 PM