Uncustomary Hiccups

Deranged extreme.


Race IGnorance or IgNorance 

So I was sitting in class today and I was frustrated. It's a very sociology based calss even though it's bschool. Yeah, I know shooooocking. But so we disscuse human interactions and relations. BUT, we seem to ignore something, yes a little bitty thing....LIKE RACE!?

No one wants to talk about it because it's too "sensitive". Well whatever!! About 70 people sitting in the class have NO idea what RACE IS and they need to! People are so ignorant/unknowing of the issues of race. Do they know what I go through everyday with my face, my background, my culture, my life. Do they know about what other minorities go through everyday. NO!

I was sitting another class that discusses race issues. It's like my outlet at least. But some of the freshman express some very unknowing views. I understand totally that they are here to learn and that when I came I had know idea either and I'm so glad that they are here with us in this space to talk. BUT I think off all those kids walking around out there who don't know and who don't have a place to talk!

Racism should be defined in terms of power! Racism isn't about race. We just use it as a way to divide us into different levels of power. So that's why when even though the amount of asians on campus is more than the population that DOESN'T MEAN THAT ASIANS ARE NOT DISCRIMINATED AGAINST.

And! based on this definition of racism, other races can not be racist, they can only have prejudices.

Think about it.

Posted by Steviek @ 22:54


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By Blogger Aaron E.K., at 5:12 PM
late last night amidst production and distribution decision making, tensions in the lab were running high as 1am approached. one fellow, distraught by the prospect of another 2hr sleep night and another day of suit-clad interviews, remarked to a girl on the other side of the study carrel: "you are so very lucky to be in the religious minority; if they so much as look at you wrong you've got 'em." to which the girl could but only laugh off, he continued, "i've got nothing, just wasting my life trying for these internships." well, this particular fellow's friends were somewhat uncomfortable with the fact that he was calling such obvious attention to this sensitive issue. nervous laughs abounded, waiting and watching for when the comments would have crossed the nebulous boundary that defines racism from slurred commentary.
By Blogger Aaron E.K., at 5:13 PM
Does no one think about what says out of their mouths!? God! It's all around me!

Aaron, now I wonder what that first post was....hmmm *wonder* *wonder*
By Blogger Steviek, at 7:33 PM
about that, well... you see, i thought about what "came out of my mouth" and decided against it! ha ha ha
By Blogger Aaron E.K., at 10:18 PM