Uncustomary Hiccups

Deranged extreme.




So there are a few things that I realized

1) I was talking to slchang and decided that I need to list my hang out time. To make sure that I hang out with people and stuff. Like a Hang Out Quota!! But with conditions like, not late at night, not for too long, doing something phun,....and not with Stephen....muahahah!

....Acutally I had two other revalations but I forgot them. Gawin's going to yell at me again for forgetting. Sooo forgetful. I'll probably remember them as I fall asleep tonight...when I find my bed

But I think Hang Out Time is nice. I did it all Friday and stuff. But sometimes i just like to hang out hw and not many people like to do that. Sad. Ok Tired now and must look at stuff before meeting.

Posted by Steviek @ 19:43

