Bubbly Thoughts
HI EVERYONE! Sorry I haven’t posted in awhile, been very very busy Stephanie. A very very Bad Stephanie >< Not studying. So Here are my thoughts for the last bit of time. I promise to post more
So I was walking in Middle Earth the other day and I ran across this new product. The brand was called “Miso Pretty”. Now me, being the naïve shopeer that I am was like….oh well that’s kind of stupid. Cause Miso is a type of Japanese Soup and yet there was a little Chinese Asian girl on the box. So I continued shopping, looking further and it suddenly hit me. Yes, I am slow sometimes. If you sound it out is sounds like, Me so Pretty. Which makes me so angry. It’s a lame title and could the marketing branch of the corporation be just a tad bit more creative in their stupidity. If you see post below, “Angry Asian” you will understand why this makes me so angry. Not only that, but if you really think about it, If this issues was brought up, people would be like “Yaaaaaaaawn, not another PsuedoAsian product to product. My brother would like to add “White racist basterds” but I find that extreme and saddening cause it almost assumes that there is no hope for the white people. To which my brother would like to respond “There isn’t”. Ok back to the main program, commercial over.
So the Miso Pretty thing made me really angry. Like my language, like my culture is just for sale for the public. It’s not and if you are going to use, use it correctly and with knowledge of why you should do it a certain way. Don’t take the red and plaster it all over the place cause it’s sexy and that’s what Asians do right? WRONG! You know, one year my family had a Chinese new years get together with the neighbors, who are mainly white. And you know what? Some nice person got online and research what was acceptable to bring to such a party, it was nice cause it showed that they just might care. We had a lot of Tangerines to each for the next couple of weeks.
So, I am sitting on the airplane and thought came to my head. An Evil Though. You know how often I get those. I thought that I should print a sign and then post it all over the bschool saying:
Have you forgotten how to be a child?
Do you know how to enjoy the simple things in life, like joy?
No, you don’t you lost it some where along the line.
If you are looking to get it all back, call:
1-800- Checkifyouhaveaheart
Yeah….wouldn’t that be hilarious. Oh dear…I really want to do it. Well hopefully someone will stop me before I scar too many people …. MUAHAHAHHAA but then Stephen said I should call the number...do I hae no heart?
So I had another thought on the plane. So those little baby carrots you know….how are they peeled? They have to be done by machine, but it must be really hard cause you know…they are all sorts of different sizes and they somehow end up being all nice and round.
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I have found the solution to Carrots! I found from a source that in actuallity, the carrots have been changed genetically to grow small and ity bity...cute eh? phew! good no machines ;)