moooooooa Mooa!
Yeah....last day in paris ;( So at the complaint of Stephen, I will try and spell correctly. But I would like to point out, and also say that I proved to Stephen, that my spelling is not targeted at the french language...but all languages, even english. When I learned french I just didn't really memorize the alphabet. I'm not even too hot on certain chinese alphabet letters either ;) Yeah for not learning words well.
So we got up...around 10 I want to say. And headed out to the Musee d'Orsay. So while we are standing in line, my dad picks up a random guy who's here for a conference from taiwan. He's an engineer for Toyota. Ohhh dad...picking up random strangers. He's like we should buy him and ticket and he should come around with us. My dad is way too trusting sometimes. People will call us out of nowhere and are like, will you back us for a visa and my dad's like "yeah! no problem! who are you again?". ANyways, It's a lot smaller than the Lourve but I loved it so much better. It has a lot of impressionist and neo impressionist art and I LOVED IT. I really like Neo impress stuff cause its how I dream, in dots of colors and none of the colors are quiet the same as they actually should be. I really love Singac, Pissarro and Max Luce. Monet is hot too but yeah not as many crazy colors. My family was just not as amused as I was about it. I think they liked the palace better. After doing the top floor of impressionist art, my family was like time to go. x-x I was like NO! There are still like 2.5 floors left. And they were like, well we will meet you in the front in 15 min. I speed walked the rest of the floors and vroomed around. I really wished that hadn't happened. Some of the paintings were HUGE. Ahh well. As I was running to the front, I ran by a special exhibt for a neo impressionist artist, I think Seurat. gaah but I would have to buy another ticket and my parents were waiting. BLAH!
oh speaking of dreams. I had a werid one. I usually have werid dreams but the problems are there are very few that are applicable to my life. There was one a few months ago, about pills, video games etc that freaked me out. Anyways this dream that freaked me out this morning. So I started having this relationship with this really great guy. He was super sweet etc etc. But he would want to take picuters, have me write my names in all his stuff, on his walls etc etc. But I refused on every front. It was like I didn't want to leave any sort of mark in his life. So we went on for awhile, having phun together. Suddenly the dream speeds into the future and I'm with a new guy, near the end of our realtionship and I start thinking about hte guy before. Flashback, man my dreams are like movies. Anyways, there's a flashback to how I broke up with the other guy. I started disapearing, like I didn't hang out as much, didn't speak to him as much. But I don't know why I wanted to break it off, he was great, but I just wantd to leave.
And so one day to break it off fully, I got him a toaster ;) He really wanted a new one. And oh did I mention that I have super powers?And my previous bf had super powers. So one night he was training this little kid of his, not actually kid, just some kid that he looked after, and I ended up saving the kid when he ran off looking for mischief. So we are standing together on this tall tree and I tell the kid, here give the toaster to him and tell him that I love him lots but I never want to see him again, and I disappeared from his life. I ran into him and couple of years later and he was happy with a new gf and they were getting married soon. they were really cute.I felt really sad but I felt that he was better off with someone else other than me. So now to my current bf, who only wears white undershirts....I wanted to leave, but I didn't know why again. Ugg and then I woke up and freaked out. Yeah freak.
Ok back to my last day in paris. So after the greaaaaat musee, we went to the chateau de versailles, which was where the court of Louis XIV set up the culture of europe. I took that out of the guide book so I wouldn't spell anything wrong. As we were walking up, I lean over, bending in half to tie my shoe. My back breaks, my palms slap the stone road, and my knees slams down. We have been walking or standing a ton for the last 4 days, and my back is at its end. Uug. The place is humungas. We walked through out the rooms and a few things stood out to me, 1) everything is glited in gold, 2) there's a sweet sticky perfume smell in all the rooms, 3) Why did they paint all the walls and ceilings? poor artists, and 4) They must have been damn short in their time cause there's no way that I would fit on their beds. I really didn't enjoy it as much as the Palace in the heart of paris. The palace was much more open rooms, tall and lots of windows and not smelly. But it was really interesting to hear about the place and how the King set up everything about him and how he made everyone come to the chateau so that he could control them and run the country as he wanted. But what was pretty cool is the gardens. They are amazing!
They are probably 3/4 times the size of the house and the house is huge! and beautiful and the garden is well groomed and trees and bushes all over the place. The fountains are great too. I just keep imaging all these well dressed people walking around in their heels, slowly, and ribbons flapping in the wind, some light music going on, and servants glasses clicking as the court circles the garden with the sun king. It's pretty cool. So my family was like, I don't want to walk, my mom got sick so she wasn't feeling too well about walking but I was like, I came all the way here and I want to walk some of it. So I end up walking around, get lost in the maze of over 10ft bushes and get to the fountain with Apollo comiing out of it and then come back and they are gone. They actually rented an electric golf cart to drive around, so I sat around and people watched untill they came back. It was nice. There's also a green house under a cliff under the house where the King use to store his Orange trees. It's a pretty cool place.
So then, we headed to a resturant down the street, that's a house of crepes. Everything is in crepes. Even the food you eat. I ordered a salad and it was in the crepe. It's pretty cool, my mom was like, they don't have any stoves just 4 plops of places for crepes. It was phunny though, cause we ordered apple cider that has about 2% alcohol content. And my brother drank for the first time. Ok, so like most of you konw that I'm not much for drinking, but Michael is even more against it. LIke no impurities in his body period. So I watched and then gave him a hard time. It was phunny.
So from there we headed home. I've realized that for all the nights we have been here, at night we would come back home and pull out al lthe food and crunch on fruit, CHEESE, chocolates, etc. oh my family. We've been watching BCC and also the Chinese tv stations and really been following what's been going on btw china and Taiwan. My mom wants them to get back together but my dad is kind of from a more national taiwan and doesn't want it to happen. Oh the difficulties. They have been seperate for 70 years and lately the president of taiwan who is kind of lame has been really antichina. Lots of people are getting restless, specially China's govt. So the former president fromt he KMT party who was for china and taiwan getting back together goes to china to do a little diplomocy and stuff. so you know what china does? they respond back by lending two pandas to taiwan. Oh the chinese...sometimes I don't know what we are thinking at all.
They cut the trees here kind of phunny, they are like blocks of squares on top of lollipops. And I forgot ot mention that our toilet has a seperate room and it has a little water spray next tot he toilet that is....hahah and yeah it works pretty well, but only sprays cold water....not that I would know or anything like that. ;)
Well that's it for paris. I really liked it, the transportation, and all the great food and phun. But I would definatlly have to brush up on my french if I were to actually stay here. Well it's been getting better cause I've been in the middle of it and there's actually a lot that I remember. It's werid.
So tomorrow we get up ealry and go take the bullet train to see my uncle in Brussels. Can't wait, will be cool, ANd this uncle is the cool uncle, not the one who needs a good spanking. That one, has the maturity of a 10 year old. Ok bye by. I think my uncle does have internet, but if not, there won't be any more updates till I get home. I'll just write on the laptop.
partly cloudy in Brussels today, rain Thurs/Fri. a little Tiger fairy told me so...
Hiccups has taken on international epic proportions!
yeah, the bidet is an amazing invention. becareful though, once you bidet, you never go back... in Japan many are temperature controlled for your comfort/enjoyment.