Uncustomary Hiccups

Deranged extreme.


One last thing 

I forgot to say. That even though, it was hard not speaking the language...I know I will kind of miss at the same time too...cause then I didn't know what other people were talking about. We were sitting in the waiting area to get on the plane and these 4 middle age women were talking...and you know they were gossiping and stuff...but it was in english so I could understand and I just didn't want to hear it.

Posted by Steviek @ 13:57


well, steviek-chan, just for the record: i'd be happy to engage in idle chit-chat in a language you don't understand as we peruse the shops on the streets of Europe and dine at Himalayan Merveilleux
By Blogger Aaron E.K., at 7:32 AM
ALright! Deal ;)
By Blogger Steviek, at 7:55 PM