Uncustomary Hiccups

Deranged extreme.


Frumpy Grumpy 

Who Are Americans to Think That Freedom Is Theirs to Spread? It is long, but its really interesting. He really puts his finger on it and it totally makes sense...at least for me, but he's preaching to the choir for me...so what about people who are against it....who knows what the hell they are thinking.

Korea Wave Just talking about growing trends in asia

Inveiw GogglesWAY GOOL! If I was still competitively swimming and really worried about my times and stuff...that would be on my top priority list. Seriously though...this might change swimming a bit since the swimmer can pace themselves more accuratly and won't have to break their stroke to check out the clock

So today. Today is a day where I vent about People at my job. No No...sorry habits and the culture of my job.

Someone came up to me and was like "stephanie I don't understand what you put together" Fine, I can explain no problem. And then she continues and is like "It's not easy and I was thinking, why should I even have to try." What she really wanted was the whole set up to be how she wanted it. Seriously. Who taught people to be so inflexible that they can't look at a little summary chart without freaking out and wanting to have it exactly this way. Some days I come in to work and wonder...how did so many anal people get combined into one group....

I know that I'm not really one to point the finger, but honestly....people relax! If it doesn't go your way, what the hell, you deal with it...not stress so much you get angry and can't deal with it and try and make it go your way all the time. Where did these people learn these things... I'm sorry I'm just being cranky now.

Work is slowly killing me. I can feel myself getting more and more fed up. About to explode. Just shoot me now. I'm really glad that Shutdown is coming up in a week. I will be alone, somewhere new and maybe doing something new...or not.

And now I will take my grumpy self and slot myself in a dark corner to mutter and draw dark pictures on the ground
Posted by Steviek @ 11:24

