Uncustomary Hiccups

Deranged extreme.


Linkaholic Driveby 

I'm on a blogging drive... look at me go, my boredom has prompted me to do so many things: watch more anime, read more manga, answer emails right when I get them, surf the net to: read mass amounts of news and articles, find sites of interest, and stare at the ceiling to make sure my eyes don't go bad. Reading chinese news, looking for radio sites which are blocked my gm's internet security systems.

Seriously. Would you still read if I just wrote about the daily adventures of little Steviek at the big bad GM world? HAHAH probably not, cause my day would probably put you to sleep and you wouldn't even finish it.

So here's the results of my surfing:

News Documents of interest:

China's intolerance of Tienanmen dissent: these people have been calling on Chinese gov't to apologize and acknowledge the incident which they still deny ever happened. Many of these people are mothers of students who died. And they are followed and harassed by the police, not allowed to leave their houses etc.

Changing your Muslim name: Yes, so all of you who say there is nothing to a name, check this article out. Gawin and I have had lots of talks about this and what our name says about us even before we meet the person.

Immigration population is getting younger and more diverse: do you need anything more than the title?

Bush aide 'edited climate papers': Yes, how unexpected. The bush admin edited papers to say that there isn't as strong of a link between global warming and emissions, papers that had been researched and compiled by leading scientists. They were edited by a lawyer of the bush admin who has a background of lobbying for oil interests and has no scientific teaching or learning. And why are we all not surprised.

Chinese Internet Security: Talks about how the Chinese gov't locks down on certain websites, blogs etc. And how it becomes easier and easier to do so even as millions start joining the internet. They show error pages or that the pages just don't exist. They even block bbc.com ;) Maybe they are blocking my blog ;o

Global internet security: This is more global about restricts in the internet. It also talks about how people in china have to register their blogs with the governement now.

I found these sites and some of the pictures are beautiful. They aren't just of their friends or their lives, they are real pictures...really like ;D

alwayscurious : a really great and humorous site of pictures

Photofriday : a main site for many other photoblogs, they also have contests each week for a certain theme

clk : Another great photo blog sites, i think she might be semi amaturish, but she's really good ;)

wideangle : great pics from all over the world. Lots from WA. I went through them all...so many places i would rather be right now ;)

mirrorproject : this one is really cool in that the whole point is pictures taken through the mirror, Check it out

Phew! done finally. Check it out ;)
Posted by Steviek @ 12:58


haha blogging drive... at least you don't get out of breath from excitement when capa tells you they might start a blog and we can help with it ;)
By Blogger Madhu, at 10:04 AM
Hahaaha...that was so phunny. You kept grabbing my arm and giving me this leering look of delight about blogging more. You are great.
By Blogger Steviek, at 1:46 PM
Great work!
[url=http://lymypeuk.com/rqsv/czon.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://sbtyewow.com/pucm/nsve.html]Cool site[/url]
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:13 AM
Good design!
My homepage | Please visit
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:13 AM
Great work!
http://lymypeuk.com/rqsv/czon.html | http://yeoifzmz.com/kysm/vapq.html
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:13 AM