Uncustomary Hiccups

Deranged extreme.


Speeches...the deranged...and the bored 

So today was......dum dum du dum: GM Intern Finance Day.

And yes, it was a great day to talk about how great, how wonderful, and how it will get out of the rut. Yeah and I had the same feeling when people get togther at Michigan to talk about how great it was. My eyes just rolled. I am always amazed by the number of people who get together to just talk about how great they are and the things that they work on are great and greater than anything else, ie number 1 carmaker blah blah blah. Just let me leave!

Anyways the best part was, Paul Smitt I think...some director of something or other gets up there to intro the "career fair". Which was not a far...but 10 min presentations and 5 min questions of r 6 different departments in finance. Woo hoo...let me contain my excitement and direct my undivided attention to...this letter I'm writting to Eileen. ye-ah. So he starts talking about how great GM actually is and how really...Toyota and Honda don't really compare that much to it. I took down stats I was so pissed.
So here are the stats:
**Amount invested in the US: GM - 20B, Toyota - 10.7B, Honda - 5.6B, Nissan - 2.8B
**Number of people employed per 100 cars: Big 3 - 23.4, Jap Big 3 - 13.3

So then this guy was like...look look. GM is obviously the better of the two. ok lets makes some points here:
1. No duh Gm invests more in the US, they started in the US. I think it should really be a comparison of home country investments. Lets see how GM compares to Japanese car companies in terms of investment in Japan huh?
2. Japanese Cars are built more efficiently: therefore they don't need to employ as many people. Seriously. They give the statistics but they try to view themselves int he best light and actually...in some ways really believe it.

One of my managers said also, that he didn't think the reasons that SUVs and Truck sales were decresing because of gas prices, but because of loyalty and waiting for the newest trucks about to roll out. *please* ugg.

But the best part of the day was when we went on a boat ride on the Detroit river and talked to a lot of directors and executives of finance and we just got to chill and mingle. It was just really cool talking to people about these things and just about their lives.

I kind of turned into Mini-Steph Chang and attacked the audit director who is Angie Chin, to talk about asian interest groups in GM and if they were working with capa and OCA about things like mcri. And she's like babble babble so...we will keep in touch and see what she can do for us. ALso, someone in CAPA works at gm too. I should email here. Perhaps I will ;D

Anyways I just wanted to vent my frustration with GM. bleh ;D
Posted by Steviek @ 21:44


i can "hear" your eyes roll.

GM's a big sponsor of the U.S. Pavilion (we've got one of their fuel-cell drive-by-wire 'model' cars in our post-show area) and they've also given some SUV or another for our guide manager to drive around.... it isn't very convenient for Japanese roads/parking structures!
By Blogger Aaron E.K., at 3:58 AM
haha mini steph chang... i can see it now.
By Blogger Madhu, at 9:59 AM
GM also just announced that they were cutting 25,000 jobs and closing more US plants. They lost 1.1 billion in the first quarter and are apparently going through their worst financial crisis in more than 10 years.

The Chairman of Toyota was contemplating raising Toyota's car prices in the US to help boost the sales of american made cars. He feared that if the big giants of the US auto industry were to fall, it could create political backlash against Japan in the form of changes in US policy.

Toyota is also building more plants and adding more jobs in the US to meet demand.
By Blogger secretzman, at 2:54 PM
yeah. They had a chairman meeting the day before yesterday. It probably the worst that it has been. But to be honest. GM has been around for almost 100 years and its probably going to be around for awhile longer. This will make it struggle a bit but not go down ;)
By Blogger Steviek, at 6:43 PM
dr. tai chan works at GM (he's the head of CAPA's education committee)

you're not a mini-steph chang, you're a superstarsteviek!
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:10 PM
hahaha...yeah. So I forgot to mention that I also learned that they build transmissions and engins by cutting styroafoam and then poring molton metal over it.

And everyone at the table was in aww over it and I just went and asked the question: "What do they do with the left over chemical waste?" -> Everyone pauses and is silent and say well I don't know.

I totally killed the conversation, it was phunny. My enviornmental concerns overrode my good conversation teachings....muhahaha
By Blogger Steviek, at 7:23 PM