Before we bet started. This is a website that has imitation noises that childern/adults make in different countries for different kinds of things, ie cats, dogs, ambulances, ducks, bigs, mice, etc etc. It's so much phun and cute. It just totally makes me laugh. Go check it out. There's a country that really really sounds like a duck! honest!
Now then, down to serious business. WASL stands for Wasington Assessment of Student Learning. It is a state wide test that is required to be taken by certain grades...10th. Now I took this test and deemed it pretty stupid. The sad part of this situation is that next year, students who take it in 10th grade will be required to pass it in order to graduate. Now, that doesn't seem so bad right? hahahaha.
But given the fact that over half of the 10th graders last year failed the test and 43% of African American's failed the test...I think we are at an issue here.
Now I remember taking the test and having no trouble. But I remembered many people who did, and failed not the whole test but portions of it. I think there's a math, writing, reading, and science sections. They had to retake the section to pass the test. The link above is about a group of students who decided to do some TV Ads about what they thought about the test etc etc. It will be released tomorrow at Rainier Beach High School, but pretty cool eh? About time they spoke up.
But this situation kind of pisses me off. Honestly, how can a test be used to qualify if the student should graduate or not? Just one test?! No way, it's unfair and what can you really learn from a student about their preparation for college from a multiple choice test. Nothing and not enough to evaluate if they are ready for collge.
But lets say, lets say that hypothetically, the test really does measure the apptitude for collegeness (I just made that saying up. I know. It doesn't make sense. But it sounds really snobby doesn't it?) Then the issue changes. OVER HALF OF HS STUDENTS IN WA ARE FAILING IT. I think its a big sign that our education system needs to be revamped. If we think students should know this information before they go to college, then why don't they? Where is the system failing.
But this test makes me angry, because it's trying to make sure that the students are prepared for college and are educated enough and think that if we test them, they will some how magically have the knowledge needed! They are treating a sympton, badly if I might added, when they should really be focued on making sure that the education infastructure is in place to provide education and make sure that the kids walk away with the education.
Because that's the key point. Its not the time during the education, but the time after education, what students, people, animals, that is important measure of how well you educated.
Blah. I'm going to listen to animal noises to make me feel better ;p
or take an anime test. Pulled if off of Madhu's site. I wonder if she's even seen Cowboy Bebop?

what's your cowboy bebop theme song?
Before we bet started. This is a website that has imitation noises that childern/adults make in different countries for different kinds of things, ie cats, dogs, ambulances, ducks, bigs, mice, etc etc. It's so much phun and cute. It just totally makes me laugh. Go check it out. There's a country that really really sounds like a duck! honest!
Now then, down to serious business. WASL stands for Wasington Assessment of Student Learning. It is a state wide test that is required to be taken by certain grades...10th. Now I took this test and deemed it pretty stupid. The sad part of this situation is that next year, students who take it in 10th grade will be required to pass it in order to graduate. Now, that doesn't seem so bad right? hahahaha.
But given the fact that over half of the 10th graders last year failed the test and 43% of African American's failed the test...I think we are at an issue here.
Now I remember taking the test and having no trouble. But I remembered many people who did, and failed not the whole test but portions of it. I think there's a math, writing, reading, and science sections. They had to retake the section to pass the test. The link above is about a group of students who decided to do some TV Ads about what they thought about the test etc etc. It will be released tomorrow at Rainier Beach High School, but pretty cool eh? About time they spoke up.
But this situation kind of pisses me off. Honestly, how can a test be used to qualify if the student should graduate or not? Just one test?! No way, it's unfair and what can you really learn from a student about their preparation for college from a multiple choice test. Nothing and not enough to evaluate if they are ready for collge.
But lets say, lets say that hypothetically, the test really does measure the apptitude for collegeness (I just made that saying up. I know. It doesn't make sense. But it sounds really snobby doesn't it?) Then the issue changes. OVER HALF OF HS STUDENTS IN WA ARE FAILING IT. I think its a big sign that our education system needs to be revamped. If we think students should know this information before they go to college, then why don't they? Where is the system failing.
But this test makes me angry, because it's trying to make sure that the students are prepared for college and are educated enough and think that if we test them, they will some how magically have the knowledge needed! They are treating a sympton, badly if I might added, when they should really be focued on making sure that the education infastructure is in place to provide education and make sure that the kids walk away with the education.
Because that's the key point. Its not the time during the education, but the time after education, what students, people, animals, that is important measure of how well you educated.
Blah. I'm going to listen to animal noises to make me feel better ;p
or take an anime test. Pulled if off of Madhu's site. I wonder if she's even seen Cowboy Bebop?

what's your cowboy bebop theme song?
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you and stephen ahn are BOTH road to the west! whoaaa. not seen it, but it'd be interesting.
i think the thing's a sham. i'm road to the west too...
RE: school tests... it isn't the case for every family, but i saw a disturbing news program about the pressure some kids are placed under to pass KINDERGARTEN-entry tests. i'm sure you've heard/read about the insane importance placed on entrance exams for highschool/univeristy in Japan - well this is just another extension of that. if you can make it, it does change you, you do grow, and it makes it possible to succeed. but it breaks so many more.
RE: school tests... it isn't the case for every family, but i saw a disturbing news program about the pressure some kids are placed under to pass KINDERGARTEN-entry tests. i'm sure you've heard/read about the insane importance placed on entrance exams for highschool/univeristy in Japan - well this is just another extension of that. if you can make it, it does change you, you do grow, and it makes it possible to succeed. but it breaks so many more.
Yeah.... And I think the thing that it breaks so many more shows its not a good system. Why can't all children succeed, in terms of their own goals or just even to a standard level. Because at this point, many are not even the same level rigth now.
bzzzpeek.com is awesome.
-Crystal Shen (came here by way of steph chang's xanga)
-Crystal Shen (came here by way of steph chang's xanga)