Bathroom Shades
Bleach 189 translation. Raws aren't out yet. This chapter was pretty unsatisfying. I want to be like....story...MOVE! Ichigo didn't meet up with his dad... they just toally skipped. I'm getting this arg feeling of another week of waiting. I don't think I'm going to make it ;p
So we went to Uwajimaya yesterday, a japanese supermarket mainly because a lot of Japanese came Seattle a long time ago. They only have two stores, one 15 min from my house, another in downtown chinatown, and another in oregon. The one in Seattle was rennovated a few years back. And its damn sweet. it's not as big as a Ranch 99, which is just sweet and huge. But its pretty damn close to huge. It also has a ginormouse bookstore, Kinokuniya Bookstores which has tons of Japanese manga, growing taiwan manga(YEAH!), cd's, magazines, stationary. I love going there when i go home. I need to go again, I'm going to buy the bleach manga in english, and they shrink wrap there so I know I'll be the first one to read it...fufufuf *cough* anyways.
I was in the food court section. Oh did I mention they have a pretty nice food court? well mentioned. So anyways, I was in the bathroom waiting for my cousin and my aunt and looking at the signs they had posted on the wall for works when they go back to work. You know wash your hands and stuff. And I took a picture...cause it was so cool.

There are 4 languages on the wall, Chinese, Japanese, Tagalong (Phillipine), Lao, and english. Man I love it. Just wanted to share. Can you figure out which one is which? Man why in the hell do you need three english ones?!
Soooooo Look how well I'm doing. Hold off on posting for so long. Actually its cause I've been waiting for the pic.
So the other day I totally killed my mom....with laughter. So I was asking around for a tissue to blow my nose right? And I'm like where's a tissue? And my mom is like, what do you need it for? And I'm like "I need to blow my nose" Except I said it in translation. My mom started laughing so hard that she was crying. IN chinese, the word for blow your nose (shin) is a different verb than the verb "blow" (tchway) which is used for things like, blow up a ballon etce etc. My mom laughed for like 10 minutes straight....I was so embarrassed cause I do that all the time, I translate directly from chinese or english into the other language. And of course, everyone in my family heard about it. And my dad comes over a few hours later and is like, dead straight face, "do you have a tissue that I can blow my nose" with the incorrect blow....shooot hate my family sometimes ;p oh well at least I won't ever use the wrong verb ever again.
We went to visit this old couple, friends of my grandma. The woman had had a stroke recently and the husband had alshiemer's. The woman was able to speak, there were a few words were it would get garbled but she was pretty normal. They were the cutest couple. The husband kept inturrpting whenever we were talking and say something like "I graduated from UW too", he said it like 5 times. or "I use to do that...etetc" it was so cute. I really had to contain myself so I wouldn't burst out in laughter cause they were such a cute couple.
So we went to Uwajimaya yesterday, a japanese supermarket mainly because a lot of Japanese came Seattle a long time ago. They only have two stores, one 15 min from my house, another in downtown chinatown, and another in oregon. The one in Seattle was rennovated a few years back. And its damn sweet. it's not as big as a Ranch 99, which is just sweet and huge. But its pretty damn close to huge. It also has a ginormouse bookstore, Kinokuniya Bookstores which has tons of Japanese manga, growing taiwan manga(YEAH!), cd's, magazines, stationary. I love going there when i go home. I need to go again, I'm going to buy the bleach manga in english, and they shrink wrap there so I know I'll be the first one to read it...fufufuf *cough* anyways.
I was in the food court section. Oh did I mention they have a pretty nice food court? well mentioned. So anyways, I was in the bathroom waiting for my cousin and my aunt and looking at the signs they had posted on the wall for works when they go back to work. You know wash your hands and stuff. And I took a picture...cause it was so cool.

There are 4 languages on the wall, Chinese, Japanese, Tagalong (Phillipine), Lao, and english. Man I love it. Just wanted to share. Can you figure out which one is which? Man why in the hell do you need three english ones?!
Soooooo Look how well I'm doing. Hold off on posting for so long. Actually its cause I've been waiting for the pic.
So the other day I totally killed my mom....with laughter. So I was asking around for a tissue to blow my nose right? And I'm like where's a tissue? And my mom is like, what do you need it for? And I'm like "I need to blow my nose" Except I said it in translation. My mom started laughing so hard that she was crying. IN chinese, the word for blow your nose (shin) is a different verb than the verb "blow" (tchway) which is used for things like, blow up a ballon etce etc. My mom laughed for like 10 minutes straight....I was so embarrassed cause I do that all the time, I translate directly from chinese or english into the other language. And of course, everyone in my family heard about it. And my dad comes over a few hours later and is like, dead straight face, "do you have a tissue that I can blow my nose" with the incorrect blow....shooot hate my family sometimes ;p oh well at least I won't ever use the wrong verb ever again.
We went to visit this old couple, friends of my grandma. The woman had had a stroke recently and the husband had alshiemer's. The woman was able to speak, there were a few words were it would get garbled but she was pretty normal. They were the cutest couple. The husband kept inturrpting whenever we were talking and say something like "I graduated from UW too", he said it like 5 times. or "I use to do that...etetc" it was so cute. I really had to contain myself so I wouldn't burst out in laughter cause they were such a cute couple.
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