Bleach the Stains in your Heart
Another quiz, its for Bleach(anime and Manga) which is actually pretty cool. Its about this guy who can see spiritual monstors and shiniguame's (Death Gods, they come and take your soul when you die) So anyways, he gets involved with this Shinighuame (which I don't spell correctly, and actually ends up taking her power, and his own spiritual power is enourmous...but now he can't give it back to her for some reason and she needs to kill monsters and pick ups souls, so she makes him do it ;D It's actually pretty phunny and once I get more harddrive on my comptur, I will be getting the manga, but I think its kind of long...oh well. And visually please. This quiz is acceptable for all ages. Quiz away! ps the site is actually a wealth of information on bleach check it out.
SideNote: so this post was suppose to be posted on Friday, and look here it is tuesday. But during the weekend I read over 20 vol of Bleached and loved it. Its so phunny. The last couple of volumns have been slow and gets the DBZ feel with all the fights over and over, but its pretty phunny and I like it a lot. Reallly unique story line. And after reading it...the quiz was so right ;D heheh try try

Take The quiz yourself
I'm really getting amused by these anime/manga quizes. Be on the look out for more. I definatlly will be looking for more ;3
So for the next two weeks I will be in downtown detroit for the next two weeks of GM shutdown. If you are there and want to do lunch, just give me a call. That means you MADHU! Ok, anyways ;3 <- New favorite little smiley face. If only I could remember to use it. Ok hurry hurry! Must type about this weekend before I forget, or I lose my damn post again. Honestly!
Ok so, on Friday, I left work early and took shari to the airport. After that, I went home and chilled out, it was really nice, went to bed at 11pm and didn't wake up till oh...around 8? Earlier...but then I just layed there ;D But till about saturday afternoon, I just lazed around, stealing wireless and reading BLeach. I went and picked up Steph in Ann Arbor and then we went and got some packets of Udon noodles and cooked them at home and then pigged out infront of the TV. Lots of phun. We watched Parent Trap and Monsoon Wedding...Well Beth watched Monsoon Wedding, I played in my laptop and Steph took a nap.
We didn't go to bed till about we got a slow start the next morning. But we then went to the mall to get steph a build a bear for John and then we ended up hanging out there for awhile. Steph bought a ton of stuff. PANTS WITHOUT HOLES! ;3 I bought a bit, but not too much...just some lotion and lip stuff. I'm going back for more lip stuff...I don't know why I like lip stuff so much. A then around the afternoon....a little before 4, we drove out to brighton, which is actually really close. We checked in and went to our site, which was pretty sweet...tree=shade= YEAH! We went down to the lake side and checked out the swings and stuff like that. But then we got bored, so steph and I went back to the site and threw everything out of the car and then laid there for hr! hehehe...I actually fell asleep but steph was antsy. Why didn't we set up stuff you say? Cause no one else was there adn they definatlly had all the tents and stuff like we just veggitated.
Just so you have alittle understanding, Hugo, Cliff, Steph, Marcia, and Stephen went to costco to buy food....they ended up spending 80 bucks for meat! ~20 became a running theme of the whole 24hr of camping that we eat meat. They also I would like to mention bought fake nalgenes....4 for 10...gaaaaaaaah. Anyways. They arrived and pilled out of the car, hugo, cliff, john, marcia, and stephen...I don't know how they made it with all those people and then all their hugo and cliff started setting up the grill and the rest of us went down to the beach. The shallow water was pretty gross and for a while there...I was kind of nervouse about the water...cause I really don't like water getting in my vagina...its a sensitive area and when I get out of the water, not all of it will get it just festers inside of me and I'm thinking...stephen just mentioned something about michigan lakes and parasites. EWWWWWWWWWW. ohmigod ewwww....
so we were swimming around....and I really wanted to get out to the middle of the lake...and just I was like...lets swim out to the island and back. And marcia, stephen, and steph just looked at me....but everyone, including john and I started swimming out. we were swimming and took about 15 min to get out there and 15 maybe to come back...not bad at all ;D but about 3/4 over there...stephen and steph started lookin I was like...maybe we should turn back....or just float in the middle of the lake for a bit....stephen got annoyed and started swimming back. But John and Marcia were like we have a goal! lets ;3 But stephen looked so phunny....his eyebrows and his hair has gotten pretty long lately. He looked like this kind of shady old asian man. Marcia and I started cracking up and couldn't stop and she was like...oh man I was trying to save my energy...hehehe
So we swam and swam and then we got near the "island" cause we realized that it might not be an island and actually....the other side ;D so we touched the weeds and decided to head back. THat was one of the best parts of the day. hehehe specially when we realized that it might not be an island So then we hung around the beach for awhile then got hungry and headed back...but I guess there wasn't any food cause I was going to take an hr to set up the grill, an hr to prep the meat or whatever and then another hr just to grill... It didn't really actually work out that way...but we really didn't get food fro 3 I was partly right ;D Anyways sooo we sat around eating meat, hotdogs, chicken, corn and was phun. We set up the tents and started the I don't remember going through wood that fast anymore...hmmmm it seemed like we kept having to throw wood in, but Joe Reily and later Hugo went into the forest and came back with a whole host of wood. We also ended up throwing this huge can of beans that Hugo had for some reason in the fire pit so it would cook. We got a can opener from the group across the street...they had like 30 people from an neighbor and they kept running around...all those kids...but they were nice. I think they thought we were poor college students (which we are) and so we couldn't spend money on firewood...which we really didn't want to, so they gave us some fire wood and this one guy tried to chop it for us...he had an axe and then after he left Hugo was like....I want an axe....sometimes *eye roll*
So we ate and ate and just sat around chilling. The people across the street started playing this cd...over and over again. THere was some evanecance and Queen...but over and over. For awhile it stopped but then started up again. I had yelled at John about sticks and marshmellow sticks...So he whittled and carved this super ass long stick for me...with THREE! let me repeat. THREE prongs on the end. SO SWEET! and it had my name carved on it and the date at the end. But I left it there for the next couple of campers...More people will enjoy it that way. So it was getting dark and we had joe pull out his gutair and start singing...he's so good really good...and he's good at impromto stuff too...he sang a great song about marshmello sticks, the monstor under bishop lake and marcia. It was great. And then we passed the gutair around to stephen for sing alongs...he still hasn't learned more than;p that is all I have to say. And then Hugo played a little jazz.. it was nice...started falling asleep, specially since marcia was massaging my head and petting my hair....mmmm its so soothing when people play with your hair and pet your back.
Oh I also made some marshmellows....with my...THREE PRONG MARSHMELLOW STICK! woo hoo ;D I love them a little crunchy on the outside and all melty inside. Hugo was estatic over them, even though he likes them that's what you get for camping for over 20 years of your life ;3 sweet marshmellows. Man I love those things. The people across the street really appreciated the music and wanted it louder...but our voices are only so loud. ANd a park ranger came around at midnight to say its quiet hrs and we should wrap up....ahhh booo. But I'm glad some people could enjoy the music. So we decided to brush teeth and stuff...I took out my contacts and could only see blurry stuff. Oh I forgot. As we got up to move around, we saw racoons eating our buns...uhoh. We tried to scare them off but they wouldn't runn of...and then someone decided to scare them off with a....bun. Yes ladies and gentleman, a bun was thrown at the racoons...which made sure that they didn't leave. So we did Pee waves and then started cleaning up int he dark. once we got that settled, some of them decided to walk around in the dark...I was too tired to think anymore. So I went to bed. Steph and Noelle came in later, And marcia much later....she said she fell asleep in front of hte fire for 4 hrs. Oh geez. As I kept sleeping...we were sleeping on a hill so I kept sliding down and I would wake up and start pushing myself back up likea little catipiler that we found the next butt's too big to sleep ont he lower back couldn't even touch the ground. And sleeping on my side didn't work really cause my hips kept digging into the ground. So I alternated between my front and back. And during the front, my hands would fall asleep and I would start to drool... When marcia came in...she put a pillow near I keep saying pillow pillow...I really was half asleep....I think she thought I wanted it...but really I just was saying the word...she ended up giving it to steph ;D Anyways. Next morning...I start burning up...I had on jeans, a tank top, a long sleeve and then a sweat shirt. I last till about 8? and then I had to take off the sweat shirt. SO I stumble out of hte tent around really can't sleep late when you camp cause...welll it gets hot and the sun rises and there's light all over the place.
So I get up and Cliff and Hugo are already attacking the meat. That makes me sick so I'm sticking with non meat stufff...even the veggie burger was too like meat for me oh well sigh. SO we just keep eating and eating...marcia, john and joe left for some sing along in lansing....and we just keep eating. STeph wants to go to the beach. SO we go and then Hugo and her go swimming while cliff, stephen and I just chill. Steph then demands that we go to ice cream. ;3 We then go into brighton and unfortunatly steph got ice cream first....she got double scoops and a waffle cone and it was all down hill from there...ever one else got double schoops and waffles except for stephen who got a cup. I was so sick by the end that I about barfed. But I got something called bumby road...which was really really good. yum yum. So but that was about it ;D ;3 phun and wished we could have stayed longer but it was still good.
Sharing portion of blog
So to share for today, I've uploaded the first chapter of Bleach. It's good, check it out. That's all I will say. YOu can get the rest from me later, just let me know. It's just a zip of pics, so click slowly through them. And READ RIGHT TO LEFT. It's asian style so start from the top right corner work to your left and then as you go down work right to left. k ;)
Bleach Chp 1 *Right click & Save* This is a pretty big file for my ifs, so it won't be up for long...maybe a week? SO get it while you can
thanks for the Bleach - i'm downloading it now, but i don't know that it'll be my cup of tea. i didn't have much luck with the Quiz - kept telling me i was Rukia too. with some tweaking i was finally able to get it to come up with Hollow.