Divide me Kitsuki...
Mecha for $38,000 on Ebay Check it out. It's only on bid for another day. But the thing is over 18ft tall and was put together for research and has all these little extras...like lighting, heating...they just ran out of money to fund the project. And can you imagine, there are now over 16 people who have bidded on it! for 38K?! You could buy a car...a nice apartment....waaaaaaaah....O.o my eyes are so wide!
OMIGOD OMIGOD! WHat the hell! Ok, so Bleach Portal Provides the raws/not scanlated of the Manga Bleach. But so anyways...people have only scanlated (they scan the pages in, and then translate them -> its a lot more difficult than it sounds) up to 184. So I picked up chp 185 and 186 just to see the pictures...OMIGOD....all these things you don't know...the pictures...they give you half of the story...but you really need the damn words. Where the hell is Aaron when I need him. AARON COME BACK!...sob sob sob....hell....God I'm getting this achy feeling in my chest when i get frustrated and just want to hyperventilate!
oh ok...I'm better now. I found the translation. Well I joined lots of groups, finally found the translations....felt calm for about 5 sec and realized that I NEEEEEEEED The next chapter. Oh this is killing me.
Anyways. I happen to be bored this morning and flipped on the news while I was eating breakfast. And England was splashed all over the news about the bombs. It was eery how they were describing it. They said that a city of that size...the streets were silent and people were walking all over the places, but the police had put down a quarintine and people were not allowed to take the subway, people crowding pubs but not saying a thing etc etc...it was scary and the sad thing is.....Silence hurts sometimes. I was also thinknig about the fact that yesterday they had just won the olympic bid for 2012 and how I kind of wished it had been in Paris. But its just weird how 12 hrs can make such a difference in what you're feeling. I'm not going to post any links, its all over the news and you can look up news sites yourself, or use the ones over on the right ;p
Compelling interest of Race in Admissions A very good and interesting short book on the title mentioned. I think that before you point the finger at someone about preferences, losing "your" spot, whatever, read and understand the issue. It uses studies that have been done to give support to its summary.
Sharing or No? nothing to share today. I'm going to start trying to get some L'arc and jay chou on here. We will see....;D Probably not any L'arc now that I think about it...they are really good, but pretty popular...you can find it yourselves...yet again ;o
Picture for phun: He's from Bleach, Rukia's childhood friend with weird tatoos as eyebrows....he's pretty cute *woof woof* ;3
OMIGOD OMIGOD! WHat the hell! Ok, so Bleach Portal Provides the raws/not scanlated of the Manga Bleach. But so anyways...people have only scanlated (they scan the pages in, and then translate them -> its a lot more difficult than it sounds) up to 184. So I picked up chp 185 and 186 just to see the pictures...OMIGOD....all these things you don't know...the pictures...they give you half of the story...but you really need the damn words. Where the hell is Aaron when I need him. AARON COME BACK!...sob sob sob....hell....God I'm getting this achy feeling in my chest when i get frustrated and just want to hyperventilate!
oh ok...I'm better now. I found the translation. Well I joined lots of groups, finally found the translations....felt calm for about 5 sec and realized that I NEEEEEEEED The next chapter. Oh this is killing me.
Anyways. I happen to be bored this morning and flipped on the news while I was eating breakfast. And England was splashed all over the news about the bombs. It was eery how they were describing it. They said that a city of that size...the streets were silent and people were walking all over the places, but the police had put down a quarintine and people were not allowed to take the subway, people crowding pubs but not saying a thing etc etc...it was scary and the sad thing is.....Silence hurts sometimes. I was also thinknig about the fact that yesterday they had just won the olympic bid for 2012 and how I kind of wished it had been in Paris. But its just weird how 12 hrs can make such a difference in what you're feeling. I'm not going to post any links, its all over the news and you can look up news sites yourself, or use the ones over on the right ;p
Compelling interest of Race in Admissions A very good and interesting short book on the title mentioned. I think that before you point the finger at someone about preferences, losing "your" spot, whatever, read and understand the issue. It uses studies that have been done to give support to its summary.
Sharing or No? nothing to share today. I'm going to start trying to get some L'arc and jay chou on here. We will see....;D Probably not any L'arc now that I think about it...they are really good, but pretty popular...you can find it yourselves...yet again ;o
Picture for phun: He's from Bleach, Rukia's childhood friend with weird tatoos as eyebrows....he's pretty cute *woof woof* ;3

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i guess i'd better watch out, or i'll be set to work translating volume after volume of bleach... i guess it'd be better than trying to figure out how to translate about GM's AUTOnomy drive-by-wire fuel cell concept car.
HEHEHEh aaaaaaaaaron ;3 how's your japanese going? improving right...fufufuf.
Waaaah you have to translate something like that?! Way no phun!
Waaaah you have to translate something like that?! Way no phun!