Uncustomary Hiccups

Deranged extreme.


Drudgery to the 5th degree. Eradication to the 3rd. Hopelessness to the 4th. and Death to the 1st. 

Translation Here Ohmigod ohmigod....nothing. Urg. Chapter 188 translation is up. We are waiting impatiently for the raws of Bleach 188. So its confirmed, Isshin knew about his wife's death and the hollow that killed it. He used a Gigia for a body...everyone is debating if he really lost his powers or if they were put on hold or if he was just hiding. Quetions questions Questions at a Bleach Forum. This one has the most comprehensive discussion so far.

So there's discussion of a new war coming out, 3 captins need to be selected and Ichigo's Lineage needs to be uncovered. I'm sitting here to wait for a whole nother week....urg.

*News Break*

So Shari and I drove seperatly to work today because she needed to leave earlier from here to go downtown for a meeting. It really sucked though, cause really...we should have carpooled. So I was thinking aobut it yesterday...kind of like the jetsons but with cars. If you had a car that could split into 5 different parts...I mean...yeah less people would buy cars..but this way more people could car pool and as the need arise to go somewhere else...you just split off the car into a smaller maybe a little more uncofortable part so that you can drive seperatly. Ahhh that would be great.

I need to decide to day if I want to dwell, to think about the thoughts that cross my mind, my forehead.
Or just cover up my wheel of fortune and hide the thoughts that bind me.
Do you hold my hand, or my heart. Do you lead me forward or blind my eyes.
Do you wish me well or just press forward.

Tiiiiiiired again. I got home and crashed like no other. I didn't wake up at all, all night, till the alarm went off. I can't seem to get my feet under me since Saturday. I think I'm getting bored of blogging. I've almost done it for over what....1.5 months? I think I'm running out of things to write about....naaaaah, I'm just getting tired.

I won't fight you for this and I won't let go for this.
Posted by Steviek @ 08:01

