Uncustomary Hiccups

Deranged extreme.


Nothing Much Except... 

Hide your eyes when you hold my hand, give me hugs, play with my hair,
Hide your eyes when you lean close and call to tell me the color of your sky and the number of jelly beans you have eaten.
Hide your eyes when I smile at you,

Because I don't want you to see when my weakness well up between the cracks of my earth,
How much I really need you and the comfort you bring.
Even as I work at breaking the wire that hangs between us with my own hand, I attach another click somewhere else.

So Hide your eyes and walk blindly in this world for me.

So there has been this little email going back between some of my friends about the newest Fast and Furious 3 movie. The story line is some guy goes to Tokyo and races. These are the comments. THey make me laugh cause these are my friends...and they are great

1st Email response: Stephen
when they announced this a while back, all signs pointed to the lead being a
white male.

who of course, comes to dominate a sport ruled by asians and woos their women.

white men can do/be/win anything!



2nd Email response: Chris
Yea man,

omg that pisses the shit out of me. I can picture it now... white guy moves to
japan, beats asians at "their own sport", then hes comes home and fucks the
asian chick.

and of course, theres gonna be a big bald asian meat heat probably playing the
bad guy...whos only lines are


The end. Wasn't that a great story. The sad part about it is that these two are probably right

Sharing Sharing....
Changin' my Life: Dahlia *right click and Save target as* Like this song. It gets stuck in your head really easily. Gawin always use to make phun of it....she almost ruined the song but if I sing loud enough I block out the sound of her voice ;D It's kind of jazzy...enjoy

And just because I'm nice and I haven't shared a lot in awhile...I'll put up two links k :3 T.M. Revolution: Destined for This is the guy who sang a song for the newest Spiderman movie. I haven't heard it, but his other stuff hypes me up. This is a bit of a slow one...but most of his songs are really quick.

This is from the Seattle Indymedia, an article about how people in Seattle, Stand Up Seattle were protesting military recruitment and the result. There are more links on the site for more information.

An article from Pacific News Service about if Asians and learning to think like asians, not comforming to what should be thought. I really like pacific News Service. Check it out

That's it for today. Out to go make a few children cry ;3
Posted by Steviek @ 09:30

