Uncustomary Hiccups

Deranged extreme.


Sugar coat that Smile baby... 

Chocolate Sushi Sushi from stephen, check it out

I was going to post a S.H.E.: exact translation of song is not avalible due to bad chinese but I'm not able to cause its not in a mp3 format, I just realized. It was going to be the first chinese I've posted, sooooorry ;) but anyways, these three girls are really popular in asia. I really like this song cause they are singing about this guy and they are like, if you don't make time for me and if there's no meaning (sorry there's no real other way I can translate the meaning), etc etc then I won't go out with you. And my favorite lines are talking about how, based on his life where will a girlfriend fall and it asks who he thinks is actually going to clean his clothes, not her. Yeah empowerment sounds ;3 ok sorry the song definatlly sounds cooler in chinese...if you can understand it *fingers crossed*

Yeah so I've been surfing the web for some great pics...just seeing what people draw. That's a great site, some of the art on there is fantastic. It's mostly computer art but some of its really spectacular. I've been surfing and found some good artist like Kid-chan. If you can ignore the fact that she spells phunny...OK OK, PHunnier than me, she has really great art up...lots of it is anime kind of stuff

Norli's stuff is fantastic too.

I also found this
really cute pic of a girl. The colors and stuff are really great. It's touching for some reason. Go check out the person's stuff

I really wish I could draw that well...I'm working on it...but nothing close...we'll see. I am trying to do some inking of stuff I draw but its hard, cause I'm in this constant sketch mode and I really don't want to be doing that with pen. I guess I don't have enough confidence in my hand or pen...or enough practice. We shall seee. I know that I've gotten better...sort of. but yet again we'll see.

But really I have to move in steps. First I need to work on my drawing...and drawing bodies...faces are pretty much ok for me...but I need help with the body, the proportions, and how the clothing stretches across the body. Once I have that I can start playing with Photoshop, etc with coloring...but till then, sigh shoot...I've said till then crap etc etc too much. Shoot I'm starting to sound sappy *slap slap* snap out of it now!

But one problem I have is, why in cartoons can no one have muscles except guys huh?! Seriouslly! I have muscles...and the are bulk ok? Yeah maybe they aren't the norm...but lots of times I like them...sometimes I don't but we wont' go into that today.

Nothing too exciting in my world. Oh yesterday, marcia, stephen (marcia's boyfriend '3), steph, and hugo came up to novi for some dinner cooking. It was lots of phun. Hugo tried to drown us with olive oil and regular oil which now has caused my tummy to really rebel at eating anything. I haven't eaten that much oil in awhile sicne I've been cooking for myself. We then went swimming, jumped the fences to get in, and then finished the night with Love actually and scaring hugo out of his old man pants. FUFUFUF that's the best part...making hugo uncomfy ;3 But it was a good way to end the weekend. <3. oh geez...where is this sappiness coming from. will not. ok just to make sure I'm normal:

I will take over the world. People I hate will die....those stupid people...man I'm laughing...this isn't working. I was feeling suitable dark this morning...I'm even wearing double layers of longsleeves and they're black. Hmmmm let me think. I will come up with a way to change back don't worry...muahahahaha...ok that work.

Later...off to darken the world.

Yup definatlly back ;3
Posted by Steviek @ 10:14


yo Steviek-chan!
yeah, so i don't know about that cookie sushi stuff, might be classified as 邪道(jadou:bastardization of sushi). you'll excuse me, it is somewhat sacrosanct to me.

this is going to be a long comment, i can tell. i'd like to hear the song you speak of. oh, and i'm still working on the CD thing - though it seems as if your Howl obsession has passed on to Bleach? anyway, i need my alien registration card before i can open an account with the rental place (Japan is big on bureaucracy).

as far as drawing goes, i'm keen to resume my hand as well... could be dangerous though, i used to think of myself as being fairly decent with a pen - hate to see how it'd turn out now.

layered black clothing would suit me as well - only i'd pass out from heat exhaustion before it would soothe my mood. seriously, who made Japanese summers so freaking hot (and insane humid)!? i do wear two layers, but that is only to try and protect my good shirts from the sweat showers. it is weird though, it is just the sort of thing you have to surrender yourself to: "i am hot. i am sweaty. everyone is hot, everyone is sweaty. this is the way it is." after you resign yourself to your fate, it isn't so bad. i wonder what that says about our lives? wait, no i don't.
By Blogger Aaron E.K., at 10:54 AM
AARON! Yeah for aaron. I haven't heard from you in so long...I was afrai the 6 day sched were killing you.

But yeha about howl...the obsession has lessoned...buuuut I did finally get my hands ont he full OST, but I want to see the real thing too...so you're still at the top of the list ^^

hey...you know I think when guys sweat, we should say that they are glowing too...so you'r glowing...don't worry you're beautiful ;3
By Blogger Steviek, at 11:36 AM