Uncustomary Hiccups

Deranged extreme.


Camping at Orcas island 

Weeeeell...so were are back from camping ;3 and here's the story:

so we started out on friday morning. Ever got up on 7am and then fell out the door 8:15. we joined the other family that we were going with further up and then drove up to anacortas. Which is about 2 hrs north of Seattle. It's a little peninsula off into the Sound and caught the ferry. For those of you who don't know. Most of the ferries in WA are double decker ferries, for two decks for cars and then another deck for people. So it packs on a lot of people and cars. while we were waiting for the ferrie I got a wonderful cheesecake dipped in chocolate. It was pretty damn sweet....specially with the crust. but it was a little early (around 11am) fo rme to be eating sweets.

So I was going at it with Harry Potter. Man if the guy who plays harry potter was only older and without gloasses yum. WEll this book was definatlly better than the last one. I feel asleep during the last one. There are very few books that I fall asleep on. The other was Watershipdown and no offense to steph, but honestly how can anyone read that book about bunnies. urg. I finished the book the same day. Honestly. *spoiler* How could they kill the headmaster! urg. Well I'm not that shocked now that I think about it, but it was a sick ending and really I just want it to end I hope that the 7th book is the last book, I just want to know! Anyways. So we got on and did the hour ferry ride. My family is so phunny. We packed the rice balls for lunch and we also had some sow bin and beef with veggies. WE had it set up all over the table and we were all going at it and it was so phunny cause people would walk by and stop and stare, muahahah we are goign to take over the world ;3

Well so we got off the ferry on Orcas Island and then we headed to Cascade Lake. We pass through some of the hill side and then through the town and around the little bay and then into the state park. I hadn't really thought about where we were camping till we got there. But yeah, I've been there a lot of times. When I was younger for camp and then at least 3 differenct more times before. So we got up and set up camp and then sat around munching on food. We then decided to head up the Mt. I think its Mt. Constitution. Anyways. We get up there and there's this tower up there. When we got up there I remembered why I loved the San Juan Islands.

They are little hills sitting in water. There isn't much beach and there's a little dirt under the tall trees and then the dark salt water. We were actually able to see Mt. Baker, in Canada, which is a great place to ski.

We've been going for years and that was the first time we've ever seen it. And we also so Mt. Rainer...but it was a little spec and everyone thought it was a cloud at first.

Well anywyas. We came back and then ate food. I really can't remember what but it was meat. What is it about camping and eating tons of meat. Sometimes I think the whole world made up camping just so that they could just eat lots of meat. URG. ANyways. I went to bed at 7pm, woke up around 10 to take a shower and went back to sleep. and sleep till 9. I'm tired. SO we get up the next morning. Eat the usual bacons (Ew) and eggs and then laze around. since I'm done with Harry, I move on the Lsat studying. Doesn't work really, I fall asleep and end up taking a nap. oops. I've gotten better at taking naps recently. I wake up and then we take a nice little hike around the whole lake, 2.7miles.

Urg It was ok. Half way through i remembered that there was a bridge on the other side of the lake that we had gone to jump off of when I was younger. I had chickened out but I decided that I woulc come back the next day to finally do it. So we went home. rested and got ready to go kayaking.

So we got there, hung out at hte dock for a while. I helped my aunt search for jelly fish in the water as they floated by. We finally started getting prepared. So first we got this thing to keep water off us. It was hung on like suspenders and had like a little skirt. It's longer in the front, cause the oval shape whole in the boat. And on top of that went the life jacket. This was a little different from the ones we had used in Hawaii. We did an open kayaking. This was a closed shells. I got stuck with the little girl. My bro got stuck with her brother. itwas phunny cause jessica, whenever she got tired would just rest, whih was often and there I was making sure we kept up ;3. But kayaking was phun. We went into the lagoon first in the back. Saw an egal. Went back out, headed past the boats, the dock parties, and headed out of the marina and headed toward the first island. That had just been sold recently for $4.3 million. O.o Yup you heard right. We went to the next island and actually saw a dead shark in ghte reeds. It was kind of cool. The water was great. It was so calm, when there were speed boats or tourist boats. And its so dark and deep. And cold. They didn't let us get in, probably cause they were afraid that we would get hypothermia cause it was so cold. But I wish we couel ;3

So we went home. Everyone's hunger and we break out, of course, the meat. WE break out hte marshmellows again and then I'm using this super long spike, that the other family has. It's so phunny. It;s like over half of my height and actually to turn the stick, there's a little knob at the bottom to turn the damn thing. It's like for the lazy of all campers. it was phunny though.

So next morning we really didn't get to do anything, cause we were packing up to head out. We stop on the way out to pick up some huge ass prawns but that's about it. There's a ferry at 12:30 and then another at 1:30 so, we were hoping to get on one of them. We get there and they tell us that we are on standby for 1:30. Uh oh cause we wanted to go shopping at the outlet before we went home and then next ferry was 4:30.
BUuuuuuuuuuuuuut. We got on! We had three cars in the party and my car was the last one on! out of standby, we got on. We were so lucky lucky. And we went shopping. That's about it for camping. i'm tired and going to bed bye by.
Posted by Steviek @ 02:17


i know EXACTLY how you feel about the ending of this last Harry Potter book. I was really angry at JK Rowling. How COULD SHE??!!

It's not fun anymore. It's not even a good children's book. It's turned into this dark thing like Lord of the Rings. Which, if I wanted, I would just go read THAT. Geezzzzzzzzzzzuuuuuuuus. So, now here I am, harboring angry feelings for the author, hoping that the last book will justify everything. Although it seems like one giant dream... like those things couldn't have happened. I'm still trying to figure out who is good and who is evil, especially a certain someone... and trying to figure out how it's all going to end.

Good idea btw of putting the spoiler in white so I'd have to highlight it. I had no clue what was going on, and then i scrolled over it and was like.. ohhh yeahh cool. :)
By Blogger Madhu, at 10:39 AM
yeah, Steviek-chan is quick like that... and a little shady these days! i certainly had some funky dreams after i finished Potter's latest dealings.

one thing is for sure, if you go camping with me, i assure you we'll be able to go without all the meat. what else? ah yes, some Japanese company is ripping off Starbucks with a brand called "Mt. Rainier".

thanks for the beautiful pictures. i miss kayaking.
By Blogger Aaron E.K., at 1:51 PM
Waaaaaaaah! hahah you guys are great.

Aaron! how could you say I'm shady?! I'm so innocent! Look at me *blink blink* see...shining innocence!

AHAHAH that Mt. Raineier thing is sooooo phunny. Maybe we should get some ;3

Yeah no meat.

Be happy where you are.
By Blogger Steviek, at 3:33 PM