Uncustomary Hiccups

Deranged extreme.


Showering in the Dark 

Ever do that? Without the lights on? It's really soothing. for some reason. ;3

Anyways. I decided to do a little kind of article. Its really come to my attention that my house's garden is really weird. Everything grows kind of big and large. So here is the story about my garden. I love it.

The first piece is the NW palm tree near our front door. Yes, can you imagine? an palm tree meant for the NW. Got me. Now if you can't tell, this thing is at least over 10 - 12 feet tall. Now, it looks totally normal right? However the books have said that this species of NW palm tree should only grow to about 4 -7 feet. Yes. I think my family just grows everything abnormally tall. Kids, counters, and palm trees.

The leaves on the ground use to have a lot more, and started growing up the side of the house, but my mom cut the palms branches that are lower and they started dying. When my mom asked the nursery about the palm they asked where ti was situated and thought perhaps, since it is so close to the house, it just is a really happy palm tree. Well hehe....here's to the happy palm tree.

So the next item in our garden is a "tree". yes I put quotations around it because it really is a "tree". Its actually a vine, but my mom wants to make it a tree. So she props it up witha stick...and maybe one day, eventually it will stand on its own. Just like kids aw. Ok this is getting to sappy. So anyways yeah, it's a wisteria....I think that's what it's called, and it has these really cute lavender flower that droop from it and it's vines are really curly. Yes....the vine that is a "tree" but really isn't. It falls over at least once a year because it gets too top heavy.

Next our the Lilies. Actually I wanted to take a picture of our peonys but they are already gone. They grow to the size of small children's heads sometimes. They are huge and really fragrent. But the lillies just came out and actually if you stand about 15 - 20 feet away you can still smell them. And they are almost a little taller than me....;3

These are some of the older pictures from a year or so ago. When the Rhodadendrens were out and blooming. These things are are also taller than me. Its kind of scary to walk through now...cause they over grow a little during the summer and it seems like a jungle.

Well that's pretty much it for the safari tour of my garden. It's one of my favorite places. I always take loads of pics when I get back cause during the school year I miss lots of things and stuff like that. Cause if you don't go out at least every two weeks, it changes a lot. Things dies, things grow back. And things grow really really tall ;3

Posted by Steviek @ 16:09


wow, thanks for the safari adventure discovery garden tour. that has to be one of the best posts. it makes me want to do a tour of my own garden at my place in Japan... only it is really just some funky looking monster weeds growing out of our back porch.
By Blogger Aaron E.K., at 10:51 PM
yo yo Steviek-chan,
check it out, i made my own garden post (you are such inspiration).
By Blogger Aaron E.K., at 5:24 AM
Ever do that? Without the lights on? It's really soothing. for some reason. ;3

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:11 AM