Uncustomary Hiccups

Deranged extreme.


Show me your Care 

I couldn't think of any hot or good title for this post. The other one that I could think of was "Love" and I thought that was just too lame for words so I will now stop typing about the title.

I've been going up and down lately, trying to supress my emotions...or deal with them responsibly without them coming out and attacking people unexpectedly. It's hard, I'm a very emotional person and its like this flood that sweeps me away. But sometimes I just need to release...so I feel better...I just need an outlet to let it all out...and sometimes its yelling..sometimes its crying...and sometimes its just hitting my pillow on something inatimate lots and lots of time...and sometimes it a bit of all of the above.

And I haven't talked to my bro in weeks, even though he's like a 10 min bus ride from my place. We are both very busy and its hard sometimes to settle and just hang out cause he's so stressed and I'm so stressed....and we are really busy. But anyways....My family...they may drive me insane, piss me off, but I know that if I ever needed anything or had a need, they would be there. They are so comforting to me when I'm uncertain about things or about what other people feel about me because they are the only ones that I'm sure of....I'm totally sure of their care and love. That's never a question for me. And I know that I am extremely lucky in that aspect that....I'm confident in their care.

There are some people that I know they care about me...those that are closer...but even then....I'm not as sure as my family. And to be honest...I don't think I could expect anyone other than my family to do so.....

So kudos to my family and seeing them soon. We may not talk a lot but I know that they will always express their love to me in any way they can, because they care, because they love me....that's never a question.

As I walked down the street, passed down the aisles, sat in the classroom, and ate lunch at a counter, I felt your thoughts pass mine,
As you passed me on the plateform to work, went to buy a get well card, sat on a bench in the park, and called your mom on your phone,
I felt your thoughts, your feelings and for just a moment
For just a moment I felt your rage, your passion, your pain, you love, you haterd, your heart, and your calm,
I heard all of it as it whirled within you, outside you, wrapped you in its contents, squeeze you tight, soothed your soul, whip around you in the air, and snap out to attach itself on me,
As it sucked me in, made me join the whirl, the wave, and crash and then slowly receed away as we walked further and further apart as the line stretch thin...tighter...and then snapped.
I felt everything when I brushed you on the sidewalk.
Posted by Steviek @ 22:19

