Uncustomary Hiccups

Deranged extreme.


every bit of you and every bit of me 

hi. it's been a while. hope you're well as i share my thoughts with you.

what would happen if every bit of me was removed from every bit of you?
would you think of me? no.
would you feel that there was something missing? maybe?
every little bit, from the way i express my thoughts, to the movement of my hands, my favorite sayings, my favorite places to be, my favorite things to eat, what if they were all gone?
like all the black grains of sand were gone from all the sand in the world.
would you really notice?
would you notice my silence?
that i no longer spoke? that my presences was no more?
quiet....without noise.
oceans without waves.
water without the trickle.
rain without the roof deflection.
what if i didn't exist in this world, in your life. would you miss me?


Posted by Steviek @ 20:34

