Uncustomary Hiccups

Deranged extreme.


Happy Happy Bday Day! 

So today is my bday today. It was a great special day, nothing out of the ordinary...just a nice day hanging out and talking with the people who make me happy ;)

So I was going to do a little thing like, 21 things I think are important, but then I realized that there are more than 21 things and realized that I might not be able to make 21...and then I would look like a dork...but I'm sure that many of you will point out that I'm already a dork, so its too late.


::Take long pauses when talking, so people can interrupt you
::When rain is falling, stand under the sky so you can catch its tears
::Screaming is ok, so is crying extremely...almost anything of excess emotion is ok
::Passion and Maddness should be expressed as often as possible
::Why you are talking lots it means you're thinking isn't enough to even cover two people
::When you respect someone's opinion, you don't try and change it.
::Sleep should rule your schedule, and nothing else
::Listening is the hardest thing to do and we should do it when we don't want to
::Be happy for yourself, cause no one else is going to do it as well as you
::Chocolate is the cure for everything
::Slchang's & Gandhi's quote: We must be the change we wish to see in the world
::The best question is Why

That's about it, I think. These are the most important things to me right now. ANd I think I'll keep adding hehe.

Thanks to everyone who made today special. You guys are pretty special to me ;)
Posted by Steviek @ 23:09 | Link


Chu CHu! 

So some thoughts for today!

1) I LOVE GAWIN! She's the greatest Roomie every (Even though she's not here anymore *tear*) She got me a roxy tee and a tee that has Eyore from Pooh on it that says "I need a hug" (So wearing it tomorrow ;3) She's so sweet. Need to call her

2) So the other day, I was talking to this nice girl from bschool...I mean she wasn't mean or anything horrible or something like that. We were talking about this bidding system for our classes next year: Back up -> Break time

So this Bidding System: Is the STUPIDEST IDEA on Earth. ok Done.

ANyways, We were talking about the classes and we came to the realization that we might be bidding for all the same classes and my first impulse was..."yeah, someone I know will be taking the same classes as me!" And then I stopped cold. Why did I need someone I know in the class? Don't I want to meet new people? OR IS IT BECUASE: I want someone to work with on homework and stuff....Right then and there I was like...what is it? And then I started Searching for my Heart, since as Stephen pointed out I have none.

3) To be honest...I forgot. So I'll make one up. Not really make one up. The Malaysian Dikir Barat is like the Hottest thing on earth. heheh ok I'm done
Posted by Steviek @ 12:09 | Link


Black, White, and Colors of the Rainbow? 

I thought this was a really interesting article.

Link It!

And as Leemy pointed out, why is only a black and white world
Posted by Steviek @ 11:48 | Link


Questioning a Question 

So I was thinking. What makes what you think right? Why is there a "right way" of doing this?
People gossip, talk about what others are doing and say, "oh but that's there choice" But if it really was their choice and you didn't really mind then you wouldn't have mentioned it.

But then I keep of thinking of that one quote, "If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything" So, I'm afraid of falling but I don't feel it's right to say I'm right on something. How can you just assume this. But how can you decide what is right? Do you only decide for what is right for you? So there is no overall right? only your own right?

What is right? and who makes the decision it is right?
Posted by Steviek @ 23:46 | Link