Uncustomary Hiccups

Deranged extreme.



I breath, I sigh. I don't want to but I do.
My breath barely stirs as I start up. Slowly working, building up the hill.
It's as if I've seperated from the rest.
What is happening over there is reactless to over there.
I know its coming, I'm not expecting much, even as I pick up the pace.
Work hard, work hard, harder....
I sigh out. The breath isn't hurried or lifeless.
And suddenly I peak the hill and I'm sliding down... and it starts
catching me by surprise...


and I arch off the ramp of the hill and spring into the air.
How unexpected in a time of dullness and breathing...
even as the blasts echo from within...without...and around me....
And as my breath....blasts out. one, two, three.

Do it again.
Posted by Steviek @ 20:46 | Link


Inadequacies aren't Enough 

Aaaaaaaaaargh. I took an LSAT test today and it just wasn't that good. At least good enough. And I didn't imporve. Argh. Harsh....I should really be like 10 points higher, but who's really counting right? Law Schools are. I just want to cry, fall into the pit of despair....argh.

Another inadeqacy is responding to comments. I'm just not quick enough my my mental brain feet to move into the right position and think of the thing to say.

Actually I don't want to share, so that's it for the inadeqacies but be asured the list is really much longer.
Posted by Steviek @ 14:16 | Link


Dipar Rash 

Yes omigod, I gave birth to a child and it had dipar rash. No not really.

But I happen to be sitting there. I wasn't sitting there, well I was, but I wasn't just sitting, but you don't really need to know what else I was doing. And thinking. So for little kids, when they wear dipars, it like a totally huge problem right? Everyone talks about it and is like omigod, those poor kids, always screaming and their skin is so horrible and so people come up with these great things to take care of it so its not as bad.

But I never really made the one plus one connection with dipar rash, and pad rashes. Yes. Can you imagine! These things, these pads that are suppose to stop blood are just like diapers. I'm sure when they were designing them that they wanted to make sure that it didn't look like a diaper, not like ensure. Which they spent no time at all on the design, it looks like a diapar, feels like one, hooks on like one...it basically is a diaper but we don't call them that. We call them something like..I can't remember, security pants or something like that?

But Pads. Honestly. Why when we are older do we not complain about rashes and get something for it. Maybe we do. I should check sometimes. Especially when its hot out its just too horrible to describe. Sigh. Why hide the fact that the pad is basically the diaper. And if it was designed like a diaper maybe I wouldn't fricken not sleep well everytime cause I'm so afraid of leaking. Or maybe could we come up with a better material, one that is not so harsh on my most sensitive parts? You know. I was talking to a friend and they were saying that if you get regular tampons that they actually cause you to bleed more cause as you push them up and pull them down the fiber actually tears on the inside of your walls. I try not to think about it too often when I'm using tampons. Supposely organic tampons are better but I haven't run across any, whole foods here we come!

I'm done with my rant. I'm not exactly calm but some what better
Posted by Steviek @ 16:59 | Link


Lay out your Heart 


So I updated the layout ;3. I got it from blogger templetes. It's great. I really liked the person's designs but nothing was coming out that I liked and work. Till this one, I was so excited that I started doing it in class ;3.

I started another blog on a different program ;3 It has tags for topics so I think its going to be cool. Its for class and will be a bit more technical so ;) But check it out, I'll probably keep it aftewards ;3 maybe. Shady Waters And I need a new layout. woof ;3
Posted by Steviek @ 13:45 | Link


Hummmmm Hummmmmmmm me a soooong 

Hey everyone,

It's been a bit. I'm back at school and I really can't think of anything to write. I'm tired and kind of chill. My mom told me a joke when I was at home. She's told me this before but I kept forgetting. So I don't forget:

At microsoft, you know what they say about the changes of getting a husband:
The odds are good.
But the goods are odd.

It's really mean but I thought it was a clever play on words.

This is a site that I really like. I love the little characters that she has. Angry little girls The most recent comic is hilarious it says:

"In life and in cooking, I have a foolproof philosophy"

"Weenies should be fried!"

See for your self. Breath
Posted by Steviek @ 17:13 | Link