Uncustomary Hiccups

Deranged extreme.


How Many Licks Does it Take to Get to the Center of an Affirmative Action? 

So, slchang forwarded to me this article. It's chapter 1.5 of the continuation of the lawsuits from my freshman year against University of Michigan for payment of "emotional" damages for not making it into the school.

I find the news ridiculous but the great part of the article is after the article itself. A huge thread debate rages within the course of about 3 days about the pros and cons. And it's a discussion that everyone should have to really understand why and what they support in regards to affirmative action and just why minority support is important. I recommend that you read the whole debate, it is long but very informative.

As a side note: People of Tj's ilk are not rare.


Posted by Steviek @ 15:57 | Link



So I was sitting their at lunch. And I was over comed....over comed by this feeling.

Of total utter disgust.

At my glutonous stomach. At my nice warm clothes. At my expensive college education....I just felt so disgusted with myself. I used so many people to get to this point, directly and indirectly. I swear I almost puked all over the table. I don't know....

It was a weird thoguht and I wanted to put it down somewhere to think about it. I know that I won't ever forget the feeling.
Posted by Steviek @ 20:07 | Link


Bread Wi' Civil Liberties Taken Out 

So ran across this the other day.

Over half of the people in the US think that Muslims' Civil Liberties should be restricted. And if you are Republican or religious you are more likely to think so. Not stereotypying or anything ;p MuwaHAHAHA.

Does this even make sense? A good number of people are innocent and yet the majorities of Americans feel like restricting rights of other PEOPLE. Yet another set of people we have been labled and categorized. People not Muslims! If others could understand that they are dealing with humans and not a stereotype or some sort of preception perhaps we would live together a little better.

Take for instance this girl in my house. Another girl and this girl, and me were studying in the same room. The other girl was asian also, and this girl was suddenly like "Since you guys are studying all day straight you are totally fulfilling the stereotype." And we were like "hahahahha" *eye shift the left, to the right, where the hell is the door* JUST BY STUDYING I FULFILLED A STEREOTYPE. So what? I'm suppous to stop studying to not fulfill a stereotype, dye my hair and not become a doctor, lawyer, engineer, or business person. So what was this girl fulfilling by studying....stupidity?!
Posted by Steviek @ 09:54 | Link


Welcome to Steviek's blog -> after class assignment 

Sniff Sniff....
Arms over head~Streeeeeeetch
Sit up~ Stretch
Rub nose
Rub face
Streeeeetch again
Lie back down

"Neko-chan! Neko-chan! Sing me a song!"

Posted by Steviek @ 21:39 | Link


"Save a Deer, Kill a White" 

The Issue
During Thanksgiving, an event occurred. A horrible event, guns were fired, people lost there lives, and an entire race was labeled. No it was not Iraq and it wasn't anywhere in Europe. It was right in the good ol' US, in Wisconsin.

A man who was hunting, and ended up shooting 6 other people to death when caught trespassers on someone's land. I love that phrase, trespassers on someone's land while hunting. How clearly are the boundary lines marked is what I ask.

The day after the event, news paper articles splashed the news everywhere and a good majority of them splashed "Hmong Hunter" as part of the main title. That wasn't the worse part. The worse part is the meat of the articles. They sensationalize the news and only present a very one sided story. Many articles go on to label what a Hmong is, like it is a thing, what IT does, where IT is from and so on.

Important key leaders in the Hmong community have already apologized for this man's actions. And also asked for a restraint on the backlash in the Hmong community. 1) Why does any act done by a minority seen as a representative act of the whole community? 2) And backlash is just too late, as seen from the photo and the fact that many in the Hmong community are not going out to hunt anymore.

I don't understand how people could be selling this bumper sticker. Actually, I don't understand how people cannot empathic. I would be so angry if I saw a bumper sticker that said "Save a deer, kill a Chinese/Taiwanese." And I wonder how white people would feel if they saw a sticker that said "Save a deer, kill a white." -> I'll post the pic of the truck as soon as I figure out the pic things *cough* "Aaron".

The Background
Hmong, pronounced "mong", are a minority in the Asian population. Even many Asians have never met a Hmong. They are the portion of the Asian population that I STRONGLY feel deserves more support from the government and affirmative action. They are very marginalized and often have lower education and socioeconmic levels than compared to the "average asian" (whatever that term means).

To give you a better picture of the Asian population in America, I will give some background. Overall, Asians are doing well for themselves, as many "people" fall all over themselves to point on. They even go further to say that you might as well include asians with whites. However, they do not look at the data which shows that the Asian population in the US is BIMODAL.

This means that there are two bumps in the distribution line. Most distribution lines are normal, meaning it only has one bump and really only fall 3 standard deviations above and below the mean. So for the Asian pop. that means there are some that are doing extremely well and some that are doing extremely poor.

The ones doing well, are still doing dealing with hardships. Although their education level is higher than whites, they are making the same amount as whites.

But the ones doing poorly, are dealing with even more hardships. Not only are their life chances significantly lower than others just due to their race, they are being ignored by the government and schools because they are part of the 3% of Asians. And yet the University of Michigan treats all Asians as the same and does not apply any sort of affirmative action to Asians anymore. Because the percentage of Asians on campus is greater than that in the population. MINORITY STATUS IS NOT ALL ABOUT NUMBERS, IT IS ABOUT POWER POSITION.

I just find this situation particularly upsetting because it reminds me in a lot of ways that there are still many people out there that are unaware and makes me feel that my work has been for nothing.

I am included a recent email that I received relating another side of the story:
Folks: I just got off the phone this morning with Senator me Moua fromthe Minnesota Senate. She has been in contact with Mr. Chai Soua Vang's (thedefendant in the case) 19 year old daughter, who is the only family member thathe has in the Minnesota area. His version of the story was that he came off thetree and these white folks starting circling him in the ATVs, then startedyelling racial slurs at him, and then begin shooting at him, and that's when hestarted shooting back in self defense. In today's LA Times article: "Suspect Says Hunters Targeted Him WithSlurs -- and a Bullet": "James McLaughlin, Vang's public defender, said Tuesdaythat he had been trying to meet with his client, hoping to consult with himbefore he spoke with investigators. "We've been denied access," McLaughlin said.But investigators said Vang, a naturalized citizen who came to the United Statesin 1980 and spoke excellent English, repeatedly told jailhouse authorities thathe wanted to talk without a lawyer present and signed a form to waive hisrights." Until the LA Times story today, there really weren't as much coverage asto Mr. Vang's side of the story, since the press has been covering this totallyone sided from the white victim's perspectives. So at the same time there issympathy developed in these stories about the victims (e.g. the story abovequoted neighbors of the victims in suggesting that they would never use racialslurs or shoot at a man,...), there is certainly an element of dehumanizationoccurring in the portrayal of Mr. Vang (he's an immigrant [foreigner], (but hespeaks 'excellent English' -- so he can waive his rights), he was asharpshooter, he 'snapped',...). The story above indicated that Vang "wanted to talk without a lawyerpresent and signed a form to waive his rights", this alone should raise some eyebrows, especially in light of the public defender's assertion that he is deniedaccess to his client. The other dimension that is happening here is not just the case againstMr. Vang, but against the whole Hmong community. Senator Moua pointed out thegreat unfortunate potential here of backlash against the Hmong community. I don't know what resources the PD's office has, but to the extent thatany of us have any local contacts in the Wisconsin area it would certainly nothurt to make sure that Mr. Vang's rights are not trampled upon. In such cases,especially with the way that the press has played things out, there is thetendency for us to look the other way in lieu of making sure that the defendantis being treated fairly. Even if we, individually, do not want to commentdirectly on the case, there is a role for us to comment on the press coverageand its association of guilt between Vang and the Hmong community. I have included the senator's email above in case any one of us havecontacts, or suggestions that we want to make on the case, or ideas about how todefend the Hmong community.
Posted by Steviek @ 23:59 | Link


ZZZZZ's on the Floor 

So there I was....at one of my best friend's bday party, her 21st.

And after eating a fine meal we sat there talking. Wait, let me rephrase. Everyone else sat their talking while I sprawled on the floor. Mmmmmm the floor...

Lately, I have been particuarly stressed, sick, and lacking of sleep.

I lay there, listening to my friends voices murmer in the background, the light glow flickering above my eyelids and suddenly I just feel asleep. On my friend's floor.

I think it's a sign. No not from God. But from my body that it's time to sleep till eternity. Since I was little I never took naps and suddenly I'm falling asleep everywhere, massage chairs, class, floors, bus....and on.

Not only that, I am altering my hormones as the link above tells you. My body is influx. Someone please save it!
Posted by Steviek @ 18:04 | Link


The Snot Factory's Stock 

So I'm sure most of you know, I'm sick again!

At the beginning of the weekend I was producing snot like it was my job. So I mentioned to my roommate, Gawin, that in reality, what I really was was a Snot Factory. She laughed and then was like "Don't breath on me!" We crack ourselves up all the time. I think that's why we are roommates. We do silly things together.

But really, I've never been sick and had so much snot in me. I think something is AMISS! I think my inventory space is shrinking. There is so much backup, but I don't even notice. And then suddenly, I have tons of snots packaged and ready to ship and yet, my docking station isn't even ready for discharge ;) THought you would like the description.

Well anyways, last night as I was preparing to go to sleep ie I was blowing my nose as hard as possible so that all packages where on their way to their final destination: the trash can. I thought of something amusing. I turned to my roommate, yet again, and said:

"The Snot Factory's revenues must be so high!"

At first she couldn't answer, but just snorted and laughed. But then she then came back with:

"Oh really! Well then we better hurry and buy Snot Factory's stocks!"

And then she went one step further:

"Stephanie, you are the owner/CEO of Snot Factory and I am the co-founder."

I laughed...but as a thought about it, it seemed wrong. Because she had bought the stocks and it's not like she co-founded my cold. The terms she had labeled us were wrong and as a good Bschool student I was going to set it straight. And then I hit upon it...yes a epiphany.

"No Gawin! You are the Venture Capitalist!"

And as you can see, I am putting my BBA education at Michigan to good use.
Posted by Steviek @ 15:25 | Link


Ignoring the Anime & Manga Wave? 

I'm sad. So out of idle curosity I searched CNN for "Anime" and " Manga" and returned horrible results.

For Manga, I returned no results at all. There is actually a place called La Manga, but that is not what I was looking for. Manga is the term to describe comics or graphic novels as it is known in the US. But Manga is more specific to Japanese Comics. Lately Taiwan and Korea has been joining the act and are pretty good actually. These comics are not like the typical ones of the US that are filled with only action and meant for little boys. No, they cover things like love, death, fate, betrayal...you name it, it's there. They are really seperated into sections. Shoujo (Girls Manga), Shounen (Boys Manga), Shounen Ai (BoyXboy relations), Yaoi, and Hentai. I leave the last two up to the readers curiosity to find the meaning. These categories are not set, but really describe the targeted group is trying to serve, but anyone reads them. I enjoy a few many Shounen mangas and there are some that just don't fall into any of the categories.

For Anime, I returned a few and really the most current one was from August. Please, it's already December. Also most of the articles were based on information pertaining to US Anime. Anime or Animation is really just the animated version of Manga and has just recently become into being while Manga has been around for awhile.

But I think is just saddening that there are no articles on this growing craze. I've been with it much longer but I'm all for increase publicity. Have the newspeople have walked in a Borders? Even if you walked in there a year ago, there would only be about one bookself to "Graphic Novels" (HATE THAT TERM!) and most of it would be made of US. But if you walk in now, at least at borders, there are at least 4 very TALL bookselves. Go to the one on Liberty and there are at least I say.... almost 8. I might be wrong but it's just so fantastic!! And there are always at least 5 people standing around engrossed in a MANGA. Just make sure you aren't the ones that giggle randomly...they distrub me.

So join the wave! As recommendations of things that have been licensced in the US and have easy access (No downloading required ;)

Fruit Basket (Shoujo)
Get Backers (Shounen)
Kill me, Kiss me (Shoujo, Korean)
Peach Girl (Shoujo, Taiwan)
INVU (Shoujo, Korean)
Gravitation(Shounen Ai)
OR just go to the bookstore and read whatever sounds interesting

Get Backers
Witch Hunter Robin *high recommendation
Scrapped Princess (Shannon-ni is so Fiiiiiiiine!) *no liscenced
Wolf's Rain *Another high rec
Read or Die OVA or TV series

~Why do you stay out past night....Scary eyes~

Posted by Steviek @ 20:53 | Link