Uncustomary Hiccups

Deranged extreme.


booga booga 


I'm in europe. It's come to my attention that some of my friends do not know this....sorry I just don't think to mention it. Therefore I will mention it here. And yet you will still not know cause well who actually reads this on a daily basis? I know that I don't and I'm the one who writes it.

So I'm going to keep a log of my days here. So I don't need to write it in a journal.

So, my brother and I arrived back in Seattle at about 10pm, after a wonderful trip by stephen and a 4hr flight with mr. talkative. Sometimes I hate being in an enclosed space with my brother, I'm suprised I don't choke him. We watched some anime which I haven't done in months. Honest. Months. Well we found out that 3 of our luggage didn't make it and that's a bit of a problem cause we were going to leave in 10 hrs for Europe. Yes the next morning and I would not get to see Washington in the sunlight for another 1.5 weeks. Sucks.

I at least have some of my clothes, not all my underwear and none of my socks. My bro has nothing.

Oh sidenote: Soooooo, the President of the US, monkey boy, decided to do a primetime showing of himself regarding Social security. He aired at 9:30 but he had originally planed for 9. The reason he did was because ABC et al didn't want to interrupt their nightly lineup, including "the apprientance" And doesn't that say it all. The monkey boy was going to talk about SS, and media is like no, it will interrupt our entertainment. Honestly, why do people not have time or care about what is going on with the government? specially when it effects your future like Social security. Oh wait. I'm sorry it's interrupting your entertainment. Please I think is says a lot about americans when we don't want such things to interrupt or reality shows. Stupid stupid stupid!

Day 1

So we landed, finally, we had connecting flights in nework and I had been on an airline for 15 hrs in the last two days. I hate flying cause I can feel the germs coming in my body from the recycled air and my water leaving. Ugg. So we arrived at 7:30 am, and my body was ready for a bed. But instead, I took a shower in a very nice hotel in the suburbs of paris. I do like those shower knobs, they have on the left, either the shower or the water pump to fill the tub, and on the left you have the temperature knob from like 25 C to 55C. It's phun and very cool.

After the showers, we left at about 10:30 and headed out to Notre Dame. Really, the subway/public transp. here is just way to convienent, I don't understand why every major city doesn't set one up cause it just makes it that more attractive to make it here. So it's pretty sunny here and when we got to the island, after realizing that where my mom had thought the hotel was at, was not anywhere close to where we were actually. We got there adn the first thing we did was eat lunch at a little cafe and get ripped off. Everything is pretty expensive, no way I could live like this, also it partly to do witht he fact that we only go the tourist places. Next we climbed the tower and went to the top of the church. It took awhile but is was phun, all those winding stairs, the circular ones. But I didn't have phun coming down...never have been really well about stairs going down, I think it cause I always think I'm going to die by falling down stairs and cracking up my head. I was enjoying myself till we went into the main part of the curch and I was reminded that a church is a religious symbol and crosses were all over the place. I'm so not a religious person...blah ;(

After that, we went to this rich department store near the opera house. It reminded me of bloomingdales but with different brands...cool brands but expensive. And then...yes and then...my brother and dad started dying and they are like, since we are tired everyone should go back to the hotel and watch us slumber. Yes, just what I came to europe to do...watch two idiots slumber. Who ever made up the stupid rule where the whole family needs to do everything whenwe go out. I'm just too independent to stick to each other like rubber. Gah, so my mom and I let the boys go home first and we shopped more. ugg...

we then went to the local huge drugstore/market and picked up some tv dinners, juice, and CHEESE! Ohhhhhhhh the cheese...so good yum yum yum ;)

So last night, we were watching the chinese channel here. ANd they have a bunch of stuff...it's cool, all the commercials are all asian people, its nice. But then they had this show about chinese french. And showed how the chinese people had assimilated to french culture. There were asian girls doing the cancan...it was werid...and kind of wrong in a way. And there were lots of white people in the show speaking better chinese than me *ouch* It was interesting cause as an asian american, I've been assimilated in a way, hotdogs, sports, etc...and I never thought about how other asians in different countries assimilated hmmmmm.... I guess I always thought that asians just learned english if they learned another language...but there they are speaking perfect french...something about the language is sexy...specailly when everyone is speaking it.

I also noticed that there are a lot more interracial couples here, they are way cute...and everywhere. It think the french are much more open about it, but I do still think they have problems. most of the nice areas that the tourist go to, they are mainly white people serving and around, there is a better mixt than certain parts of the US, but when we were riding the train/subway, there were areas where more blacks were hanging out etc.

It's so beautiful here. Almost every building is built with so many windows and rails. ANd when the streets are narrow, it almost seem as if the buildings are leaning together to hug ;)


so we woke up way to early to go to the lourve, which was not open since it was May 1st and labor day for almost all of the worl...all of the world. Instead, it was closed and there protests going on aroudn the city. A lot of people were protesting the constitution being debated by the french government. A chinese guy we had run into yesterday had warned us to be careful because lots of french people don't like americans and what nonfrench to leave. Which my family ignores and proceeds to speak loudly in english...la la lal! Angry glares from the french.

Also realized that probably half of the city is made up of tourist, and of that half, about 3/4 are french people from around the country...Paris is such a tourist place. So since it was closed, we took this green double decker that has a planned route of part of the city (which is huuuuuuge by the way) so we got on, and you usually can get off or on whereever you want, but my family is like, lets just take the whole route once and then get off and go later. So my brother and my dad proceed to sleep around the city of paris. oh geez. I'm tired and I feel asleep near the end...after like 2 hours but they sleep from the beginning. So we got off and went visit the arch built by napoleean for his armies' victories...don't remember the name ;) And then we went to the effial tower. It was cool to get such a view of the whole city, I have them and ifyou want to see them, just ask, but it was amazing how large the city actually is and how well they used the sapce, I think americans are lazy since they feel lik they have so much space.

That's about it. I hate talking to my brother sometimes, we are close, but I hate talking to him cause he freaks out, repeats things like 50 times, and he's so whiney expects us to do so much for us. I just ignore him afterawhile....gah.

soo that's it so far. See you guys tomorrow. look look, its becoming a daily thing ;) how exciting
Posted by Steviek @ 04:28 | Link


Closing to the School Year 

Hey....so I haven't posted awhile and now that I'm done with finals. Lets hit it.

So I walked out of my 2nd test of the day, this afternoon at 3:30 and spent the rest of the day listening to Killer Coke lies and information. And then I hung out with Beth and old board. And I realized that my day really didn't start untill 3:30.

Sidenote: Hate those conversations where people are talking to each other and they are like...I'm not "blah" and the other person is like, yes you are "blah" and then the other person hits back and is like no no I'm not I wish I was but no I'm not. And the other person responds with "Yea yeah you are blah, I woudn't lie to you" and they go around and around like that forver. And I'm like shut the hell up. Yes you are, and the other person will lie to you. now shuddup.

Anyways. I was/am really angry. Right before my second exam, some guys where talking about how a guy in my section had been cheating on an exam, the one we had taken that morning. And they were going on about how shameless and etc he was....but honestly they were just bragging about their friend. Yeah, the school has honor codes, yeah we say we aren't suppose to cheat.

BUT lets be honest here. The system wants you to cheat and the fact that it says differently just pisses me off. You are rarely caught for cheating and the pressure, curves, all those things riding on the grades just encourages us to cheat. As we say in MO rewarding B and hoping for A. Lets get realistic about what our society is rewarding her. Paper. They are rewarding us with ink and paper, not minds, thoughts, intelligence.

We should be really rewarding children for what they learn, not what they output in a 2hr time span. Tests do not cut it as a metric anymore and grades do not accuratly reflect what you learn or the effort you put in. I think it's time we re-evaluate. I think it's time you re-evaluate. It's time I re-evaluate. What am I really learning from this education of powerpoints, group projects, slides, black suits that make people look like pricks. Honestly. Will this teach anything about myself? what I like, what I want to do, how I work with others? Will it help me grow as a person, develop so that I can reach my full potential. Likely...Not.

And yet, I can't stop myself from working on the hws, making sure that I complete the studying required for an exam. Do I really want to just throw it all away? Can I? Am I strong enough? Can I really afford to do so?

The coke thing really made me angry. Who in the hell acutally lies like that publicly.
http://killercoke.org But some really articulate people got up there and spoke against them. I wish that I could be that articulate and have a real point. Most of the time I just ramble on and blah blah blah. ANd hafl the time I don't the things that come out of my mouth make sense. Oh well. Beth just says its cause I'm in a hurry. Probably.

Well, so this is a closing isn't it? So I've changed and learned so many things this year. Most of is due to UAAO and the board. But it's phunny, a lot of the changes, I didn't even realize were happening till they were here and done. The 8 of us on board are a cohesive group and it's hard to let go. I'm going to miss those guys, we hang out and are just comfy together and didn't ever realize that it happened. They really hit home for me so many things. Like not vauling yourself or others on grades and those letters, how the things we learn are often not from the classroom, how to be comfy with people and be close to others, how to be more comfy with guys in general and rid me of a lot of my hate. I've learned to question myself and others more. Listen better, talk less....maybe not lower my decibles...but talk less. How, my anger should motivate me to do things, not just be angry. They help me grow.

There are lots of things that I need to think more about, grow more, but the main ones are that I need to be more patient with myself and others...We aren't at the end yet. And realize that a schedule helps but it won't break you to kill it.

That's it for now.

Ok I'm tired nithgt

Posted by Steviek @ 23:35 | Link


After a while 

So the snot factory is definatly back in business. Quota is used up. I can't get sick anymore...at least we are at the end of semester. Marcia sent this to me and...it almost made me cry... ;)

after a while
by veronica a. shoffstall

after a while, you learn the subtle difference
between holding a hand and chaining a soul,
and you learn that love doesn't mean leaning
and company doesn't mean security,
and you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts
and presents aren't promises,
and you begin to accept your defeats
with your head up and your eyes open
with the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child,
and you learn to build all your roads on today
because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans.
and futures have a way of falling down in midflight.
after awhile, you learn
that even the sunshine burns if you get too much.
so you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul,
instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
and you learn that you really can endure...
that you really are strong.and you really do have worth.
and you learn and learn...
with every goodbye you learn.
Posted by Steviek @ 13:24 | Link


More Words from DiDi ;) 

Since I know that my brother will not display this loudly....I'm going to do it for him ;D

I don’t fit in…

They tell me I am American
They tell me I am Chinese
They tell me I am Asian…-American?
Who am I? Where do I belong?

Asians are short they say
Chinese are short they say
I am too tall they say
Who am I? Where do I fit in?

I am told I speak English with an accent
I am told I speak Chinese with an accent
Who’s accent is it? Where does it fit in?

Everywhere it says Americans are white
Everywhere it says Asians are yellow
My passport says I am American but my skin says I am Asian
Who am I? Where do I fit in?

I am me, because I fit in here, where I am, right now, right here.

Michael Kao

Leave Encouraging Thoughts for my brother!!
Posted by Steviek @ 22:50 | Link



I am Angry.

I am angry at the damp musty smell of the a lite shower.
I am angry at the sweet, sticky perfume scent that mixes with the rain scent as three girls walk by me.
I am angry at their click click click of heels to high for their legs.

I am angry at the the light that blacks out as I walk past.
I am angry at the car that flicks its lites at me when I take too long to cross the street.
I am angry at the heavy bag that lays across my sholder, digging into my bone and dragging at my feet

But mostly, I am angry at me, at the ball that burns in my upper chest.
I am angry at my need to change things.
I am angry at my need to judge and say of how it should, can, and cannot be.
I am angry at the fact that even though I want to let them go and do what they want, I have to control myself, from telling them what they should, could, would do.

But all-ly, I am angry at me.
Posted by Steviek @ 23:58 | Link


Snot and More 

So my wonderful friend Gina sent me a nice blurb to complement my post a couple of months ago about the snot factory:

"The human body is capable of many stupendous functions; but for my money,the most amazing of all is the amount of snot it can produce when you have abad cold. You blow the equivalent of a Big Gulp from the left nostril. Youblow another Big Gulp from the right nostril. You go through half a box oftissues wiping everything away. And then five minutes later, you're cloggedup again and have to repeat the whole process. I ask you - where does allthis stuff come from?"

Nice neh!?

Take me away.

Posted by Steviek @ 14:34 | Link