Uncustomary Hiccups

Deranged extreme.


Reverse Discrimination and Fortune Cookies 

Sooooooo... There's this recent story. Two white policemen were beating a black man....(everyone sighs, it's almost like *excuse me, can someone please come restrain these two* *yaaaaaaawn*) Will anyone get off their but and do something for other than themselves.

BUT that's not the best part. After it occurred and they were punished, these two wondering representations of law SUED for reverse discrimination. They felt that the had been overly punished because the man they beat was black. PLEASE! And guess what! They won, they won 1.6 million. And people wonder why African Americans don't like the law.

BUT! Let's think about reverse discrimination for a sec here. THERE IS NO SUCH THING. Look at the post before this. But if racism is defined in terms of power, then it's not possible for reverse discrimination to occur. Think of all those people out there who think it's all about skin color. It's so simple to think of racism that way, HOW could racism be that simple...we live in a complex society which produces COMPLEX PROBLEMS, no matter what Bush tells you.

Will someone rescue me?

AND, Fortune Cookies.
1) they were created by AMERICANS
2) they are used in Asian restaurants because the Caucasians expected
3) Stereotype the Chinese Culture
4) AND Should not be used for Dance Marathon Fundraising.....Well at least get rid of the pseudo asian font on the poster

And the girl who created it was like....well I showed it to friends and they were ok.....where they asian friends? And she still feels like they weren't offensive and doesn't understand how we could be. PLEASE, do people use their brains anymore? NO! It's not the intent, but what we are worried about is the INTERPRETATION.

Do you think I like it when guys come up to me and say, *I think you are hot cause you are asian* NO! because all he is thinking about is subservience, foot massages, and hot sex. He's not thinking about me. Asshole.
Posted by Steviek @ 19:33 | Link


Race IGnorance or IgNorance 

So I was sitting in class today and I was frustrated. It's a very sociology based calss even though it's bschool. Yeah, I know shooooocking. But so we disscuse human interactions and relations. BUT, we seem to ignore something, yes a little bitty thing....LIKE RACE!?

No one wants to talk about it because it's too "sensitive". Well whatever!! About 70 people sitting in the class have NO idea what RACE IS and they need to! People are so ignorant/unknowing of the issues of race. Do they know what I go through everyday with my face, my background, my culture, my life. Do they know about what other minorities go through everyday. NO!

I was sitting another class that discusses race issues. It's like my outlet at least. But some of the freshman express some very unknowing views. I understand totally that they are here to learn and that when I came I had know idea either and I'm so glad that they are here with us in this space to talk. BUT I think off all those kids walking around out there who don't know and who don't have a place to talk!

Racism should be defined in terms of power! Racism isn't about race. We just use it as a way to divide us into different levels of power. So that's why when even though the amount of asians on campus is more than the population that DOESN'T MEAN THAT ASIANS ARE NOT DISCRIMINATED AGAINST.

And! based on this definition of racism, other races can not be racist, they can only have prejudices.

Think about it.

Posted by Steviek @ 22:54 | Link

Corrupt Society Dream 

So I had a really weird dream today.

I lived in this house that was my society. I was really good at playing video games and so where these other two girls. However, we were all very weak, sick, tired, and getting thinner. nothing we did made us get better.

However after awhile we figured out that before we had arrived there that our wardrobes had been selected for us by someone. And we all ate phunny shapped pills. Mine were hot pink, square and a bubble in the middle. And we also had a similar tshirt, with a black line across the top and then a red line across underneath and then a letter printed in a weird pattern, but unique for each of us.

We finally realized that these wardrobes and these pills were making us sick. So one girl, burned all her clothes and stop eating the pills. She became much better and stronger but she couldn't play video games as well. The other girl decided that the video games were too imporant so she continued with the pills. But me....

There I was, wanting to shed the wardrobe and pills, but didn't want to lose my game powers. I just couldn't decide.

I thought it was a really weird dream. Like it's very similar in some ways to my life and how it is in society. When I woke up I was just like....wooo
Posted by Steviek @ 21:09 | Link


Washing Puff & Tsunami in the Bathroom 

So I remembered another of my revelations!

I like to draw designs on my washing puff with my body wash! ;D

So, I've been thinking about this Tsunami Stuff. I really am glad that people are becoming active. But some people are pointing out it's really sad that so many people had to die before people would come together and work.

Some of these people are really resentful that now people are trying to come out and help out. And that they only want to help out with by donating money. Many people don't try and learn about the culture and societies that they are trying to help.

I am appreciated of peoples efforts but I guess I wish people would look a little deeper and have a better understanding of why these people need help more than others.

And what about US contribution. Like what?!

There's a leak in the bathroom....it spread across the floor, ew.
Posted by Steviek @ 11:51 | Link




So there are a few things that I realized

1) I was talking to slchang and decided that I need to list my hang out time. To make sure that I hang out with people and stuff. Like a Hang Out Quota!! But with conditions like, not late at night, not for too long, doing something phun,....and not with Stephen....muahahah!

....Acutally I had two other revalations but I forgot them. Gawin's going to yell at me again for forgetting. Sooo forgetful. I'll probably remember them as I fall asleep tonight...when I find my bed

But I think Hang Out Time is nice. I did it all Friday and stuff. But sometimes i just like to hang out hw and not many people like to do that. Sad. Ok Tired now and must look at stuff before meeting.

Posted by Steviek @ 19:43 | Link


La La la laaaaaaaaaaaaaa 

So....It depends on day to day, but I'm feeling better.

Just really really tired. I sleep 9 - 10 every night but yet I still drag myself through the day. Who ever came up with this stupid idea of meetings!?!

SO. Everyone can post now! Since I know some of my friends check and can't post. HOWEVER, identify yourself or I WILL SHOOT YOU!

Ok ;) Happy days to you
Posted by Steviek @ 16:57 | Link


The snot factory is back in business but with a new additive: anemia 

Yes...so I'm sick again. Anyone would like an IPO?

I think it's the flu. It's worse than the other colds I've been getting. Fever. vomit. etc.

I'm really fucking tired.

And I found out that my mom is borderline anemic. And so am I. Life does seem to be a circle.

I feel like I'm really dizzy. And my arms and legs feel like they are really fuzzy and not there. Kind of like when I drink a lot of cough syrup.

PROMISE: Only get sick one more time this semsester!
Posted by Steviek @ 17:27 | Link