Uncustomary Hiccups

Deranged extreme.


Bathroom Shades 

Bleach 189 translation. Raws aren't out yet. This chapter was pretty unsatisfying. I want to be like....story...MOVE! Ichigo didn't meet up with his dad... they just toally skipped. I'm getting this arg feeling of another week of waiting. I don't think I'm going to make it ;p

So we went to Uwajimaya yesterday, a japanese supermarket mainly because a lot of Japanese came Seattle a long time ago. They only have two stores, one 15 min from my house, another in downtown chinatown, and another in oregon. The one in Seattle was rennovated a few years back. And its damn sweet. it's not as big as a Ranch 99, which is just sweet and huge. But its pretty damn close to huge. It also has a ginormouse bookstore, Kinokuniya Bookstores which has tons of Japanese manga, growing taiwan manga(YEAH!), cd's, magazines, stationary. I love going there when i go home. I need to go again, I'm going to buy the bleach manga in english, and they shrink wrap there so I know I'll be the first one to read it...fufufuf *cough* anyways.

I was in the food court section. Oh did I mention they have a pretty nice food court? well mentioned. So anyways, I was in the bathroom waiting for my cousin and my aunt and looking at the signs they had posted on the wall for works when they go back to work. You know wash your hands and stuff. And I took a picture...cause it was so cool.

There are 4 languages on the wall, Chinese, Japanese, Tagalong (Phillipine), Lao, and english. Man I love it. Just wanted to share. Can you figure out which one is which? Man why in the hell do you need three english ones?!

Soooooo Look how well I'm doing. Hold off on posting for so long. Actually its cause I've been waiting for the pic.

So the other day I totally killed my mom....with laughter. So I was asking around for a tissue to blow my nose right? And I'm like where's a tissue? And my mom is like, what do you need it for? And I'm like "I need to blow my nose" Except I said it in chinese...direct translation. My mom started laughing so hard that she was crying. IN chinese, the word for blow your nose (shin) is a different verb than the verb "blow" (tchway) which is used for things like, blow up a ballon etce etc. My mom laughed for like 10 minutes straight....I was so embarrassed cause I do that all the time, I translate directly from chinese or english into the other language. And of course, everyone in my family heard about it. And my dad comes over a few hours later and is like, dead straight face, "do you have a tissue that I can blow my nose" with the incorrect blow....shooot hate my family sometimes ;p oh well at least I won't ever use the wrong verb ever again.

We went to visit this old couple, friends of my grandma. The woman had had a stroke recently and the husband had alshiemer's. The woman was able to speak, there were a few words were it would get garbled but she was pretty normal. They were the cutest couple. The husband kept inturrpting whenever we were talking and say something like "I graduated from UW too", he said it like 5 times. or "I use to do that...etetc" it was so cute. I really had to contain myself so I wouldn't burst out in laughter cause they were such a cute couple.
Posted by Steviek @ 18:26 | Link


Hey little girl, Where's your boyfriend 

So the other day, I was hanging out with my aunt, in what I'm sure will become a trend for the rest of my days of summer. And we were doing or usual gossiping. I haven't seen her in a long time so we haven't talked in awhile. We were talking about our family and gossiping. Her sister, my other aunt, a lot of people say looks very similar to me. And we were talking about boyfriends etc etc. Guys in general and I was thinking they are pretty annoying neh?

Anyways....all this talk about boys got me thinking. And as I was pulling out of the parking lot chatting away with my aunt, I suddenly had this horrible thought....It totally freaked me out cause I actually thought it. I thought "I need to get a boyfriend, I'm getting old and I'm running out of time" ARHG!

It made me realized that I had totally been conditioned by the fact that when i was younger, older people would ask me all the time if I had a bf and I would be like Hell no, and they would be like well its ok, you are still young and have time. Well now I'm 21 and I'm legal in every sense possible...and I think I've run out of time. I'm old and my biological clock has stopped. Oh migod...I'm so insecure that I don't have a boyfriend. If I get a boyfriend I'll be young, beautiful, have lots of money, never need plastic surgery, lose weight without exersizing, and have lots of friends and fun. All cause I have a boyfriend. Yes let me go out and find one right now. And since my whole purpose is to procreate, and its best to do it at the peak of my life , 21 - 25 I best find one now so I can start popping kids out like they are pills.

AND that LADIES and GENTLEMEN is the reason that I'm so angry at society and its treatment of women. I hate how it trains us to think about the roles of men and womyn in relationships and life. I know that it should not be this way and I'm going to try my damnest not to, but even I've internalized it. It shows up in the littlest things, the littlest thoughts. My life is not spent to be some barbie doll on some idiot's arm, charming the guest and making sure that the sheets are 300 thread. My life will be spent for me, knocking down every asshole who stands in my way. And the first way to do it is to beat the bschool in the ass...arh I'm so angry now.

And now I need to make sure that I don't date, look sideways, etc etc for at least 3 years to make sure that I don't give into the thought ;b.

But even trying to strive and call for equality for women is hard, the line is hard to draw and where do you say enough is enough, or is where we stand even enough. I don't need guys to open the door for me and they should get more comfortable with me opening the door for them. But at the same time I kind of expect them to accompany women home when its late at night. Is that a contridiction. Part of me says yes. But a big part of me says no. Yes, in terms of brute strength guys are stronger, there's no denying that. Not only that, Women have to deal with so much more when walking down a dark street....do we have a keys prepared to strike at someone who attacks us, should we call a friend so someone knows what we are doing? Am I strong enough to push someone off me...for most girls, probably not. You know what...it doesn't necessarily have to be a guy who walks the girl back, it can be another girl. Thoughts swirl in my brain. Angry mostly.

So it has come to my attention that I'm predictable. Just look at the aim conversation below. I'm talking through slchang's sn and some how hugo just knew. Scary ain't it. And Stephen knew how I apologized to my brother. How do these people know these things? I always thought in HS that I was really independent and only relied on myself. I've come to realize that I do need people (unfortunatly). But I'm still hesitant about how close I get. Obviouslly I'm not really doing a good job about my exposure....if people find me this predictable. Ok need to put on mysterious mask of stephanie ;3 I always thought I was harder to understand. Guess I'm wrong...sigh, so much for being beo-ti-fuuuuul and mysterious ;3

9:21:39 PM thepiper71: what're you doing?
9:21:52 PM formosapie: locking my house down in case you show up
9:22:04 PM thepiper71: oh darn
9:22:13 PM thepiper71: I guess I won't go knife shopping tonight then
9:22:46 PM formosapie: good...I'm thinking of setting up some hugo specific bomb traps in the furure
9:22:51 PM formosapie: you step on them and you go kaboom
9:23:24 PM thepiper71: steph k is a piece of poo
9:23:51 PM formosapie: HAHAH how did you know!
9:24:00 PM thepiper71: cuz I'm watching you
9:24:08 PM formosapie: HELL NO YOU AREN"T!
9:24:14 PM thepiper71: how do you know?
9:24:27 PM formosapie: Cause I know for a fact that you aren't!
9:25:17 PM thepiper71: why?
9:25:19 PM thepiper71: I could be
9:25:21 PM thepiper71: and you just don't know it
9:26:01 PM formosapie: and that would just freak me out....you know what...instead of regular bombs they would be hug hugo bombs
9:26:11 PM formosapie: you step on them and someone would just pop up and give you a guh
9:26:27 PM thepiper71: yea sure uh huh
9:26:43 PM formosapie: *pop* *hug*
9:26:48 PM thepiper71: gross
9:26:56 PM thepiper71: I'm minimizing this window now
9:27:00 PM thepiper71: and not reading it anymore

And so much for not posting almost daily anymore. I'm trying to break this habit, but I thought it was such an interesting thought. ANd then I became angry so ;3
Posted by Steviek @ 13:23 | Link


Slipping through the Wind 

Today is the end of my internship. I wish I could say something meaningful about the experience, or the next stage in life. But really, all I can say is: FREEDOM.

yes, i can't say I learned much more than excel phun and how slow and small an office can be. And how much I really don't want to be stuck in a desk job. I hope I am able to keep this feeling forever

I feel like I've been in limbo lately. Just doing this job and trying to plan for the next year but not able to actually do something. Which is frustrating. I want to move forward but I couldn't cause I was still stuck in the summer.

Beth told me something phunny yesterday, there's a girl who's name is Pretentia. I leave the thoughts to you, the reader

Sigh. Life is about to really start forward. I guess I better get ready. Are you? HAHA so lets hope for the best and step forward. The blog isn't going on sabbatical but definatlly will not be posting as often. Sorry for that, but be amused over and over of what is already here and check back periodically about to see if any more herds come to graze here and if you can study their habits as the move across the plain. Ok ok I'll stop.

To start the next portion of life...or what has already started, but other things that are slowly stopping is this picture. It will lead us forward and hopefully will always be a bright banner, and never touch the ground. Kudo's to Stephen for a nice shot and even nicer editing.

Lucky are those that notice,
Lucky are those that care,
The only thing that seperates us is the wind.
And as one slowly seeps away, the colors blending together into another
another page turns, but the colors of those before leave their echo and stain,
blending and spreading across the coming pages,
those that should be blank.

Make your walls, your pages, your minds splashed with color.
Make sure it gets all over, splattering your hands, your text books, your teachers, your family.
Make sure you notice where they land and what they are on.
Smear them hard.

Anyways. I'm home now. Its nice to be home. I'm going camping this friday and I'm going sea Kayaking...so exciting. It's a lot of phun.

We also wne to Bite of Seattle. Tons of people and it was packed. I'm tired so I'm not writting a lot. bye
Posted by Steviek @ 10:21 | Link


Drudgery to the 5th degree. Eradication to the 3rd. Hopelessness to the 4th. and Death to the 1st. 

Translation Here Ohmigod ohmigod....nothing. Urg. Chapter 188 translation is up. We are waiting impatiently for the raws of Bleach 188. So its confirmed, Isshin knew about his wife's death and the hollow that killed it. He used a Gigia for a body...everyone is debating if he really lost his powers or if they were put on hold or if he was just hiding. Quetions questions Questions at a Bleach Forum. This one has the most comprehensive discussion so far.

So there's discussion of a new war coming out, 3 captins need to be selected and Ichigo's Lineage needs to be uncovered. I'm sitting here to wait for a whole nother week....urg.

*News Break*

So Shari and I drove seperatly to work today because she needed to leave earlier from here to go downtown for a meeting. It really sucked though, cause really...we should have carpooled. So I was thinking aobut it yesterday...kind of like the jetsons but with cars. If you had a car that could split into 5 different parts...I mean...yeah less people would buy cars..but this way more people could car pool and as the need arise to go somewhere else...you just split off the car into a smaller maybe a little more uncofortable part so that you can drive seperatly. Ahhh that would be great.

I need to decide to day if I want to dwell, to think about the thoughts that cross my mind, my forehead.
Or just cover up my wheel of fortune and hide the thoughts that bind me.
Do you hold my hand, or my heart. Do you lead me forward or blind my eyes.
Do you wish me well or just press forward.

Tiiiiiiired again. I got home and crashed like no other. I didn't wake up at all, all night, till the alarm went off. I can't seem to get my feet under me since Saturday. I think I'm getting bored of blogging. I've almost done it for over what....1.5 months? I think I'm running out of things to write about....naaaaah, I'm just getting tired.

I won't fight you for this and I won't let go for this.
Posted by Steviek @ 08:01 | Link


Knawing on the Flesh, Tearing through the Blood 

If you get to close I just might eat you and suck on your bones.

So last night, I was trying to watch the nomination thing for the surpreme court. I tried really hard. I watched, and then I tried to do something at the same time so I would be somewhat distracted from the annoying grate of bush's voice. I was trying even to read manga and I still couldn't take it! I ended up screaming in frustration and then turning off the tv to focus on my manga. And ended up missing this nominee's speech. Sucker.

I would hate to be the speech writer. If you think about it, usually its such a great honor to write words for the president, but at the same time if that person is able to butcher every flowing sentence that comes from your pen...would you really want him to be presenting your speech. I know I wouldn't. Oh the delimmas. Life must suck.

But on that note, I found a website, SavetheCourt.org that is up about the Nominee and the things that you can do. Seems pretty sweet and I think they are just getting started. Here's another site, Progressive Pipes They have a lot of articles and stuff and also, they are juggling 47 mailing list...I think I'm goin to join if they combine all 47 woot. Less spam...or more depending on how you look at it. Here's an article that provides some good indepth information. Its from the economist. I think Madhu told me it was conservative but I've found it to be really indepth and cover a wide variety of topics and not really lean one side or the other heavily. I guess I trust it or at least take it with some grain of salt. But when I pick up the magazine it always gives me a headahce cause there are so many words and articles and I try and read it in one sitting...not a good idea.

I had another dream about doors. Oh I had one the other night and it was scary. Not doors but door frames. This one was a little more clear. We were living in house like dorms. And my old High School Physics teacher was there....and he was taking something from us. It was really confusing. I think I've been relaxed enough to sleep but not enough to remember all my dreams. Urrrr I really can't remember now...;3

This seems like a boring post...no picutres, no links...lalalal

I've waited a few hours and it seems my boringness will not pass. SO enjoy as is.

Noooooooo.....wait I feel something coming on....RAINER CHERRIES! These are a picture of Rainer Cherries. These things are one of my favorite fruits. And so for the last two year, I have been away from home when they were in season. They only grow near Mt. Rainer, hence the name, and are oh so sweet and are only around for a few weeks. I bought a bag at the market this weekend and ate some....oh so sweet. I'm ok with Bing cherries, but Rainer cherries...move aside and make room for me. yum. I hope my mom sealed some up for me. She did last year.

I'M GOING HOME IN 4 DAYS. The thrill can't even be known!
Posted by Steviek @ 08:30 | Link


Death of All Forms 

In the Detroit Free press is an article from FRANK WU: We all favor diversity, now plan out best path. It's a good article about Affirmative Action. I really really like it and the analogy he makes at the end of Affirmative action is similar to a natural disaster and our different reactions to each and how they shouldn't differ that much. Kudos to SLchang for the article

Sharing for no one
Life is like a Boat - Rie Fu*Right click and Save as target* This is the Closing to the first season of Bleach. It's really haunting for me. And I play it over and over again...even though I shouldn't.

I found this little senario on the the Bleach Forums at Animesuki.com

Uryuu: My dad told me I sucked, I have to stay away from you, he's the LAST quincy, not me, and he took out a Menos in two shots.
Ichigo: My dad is a shinigami, probably a Captain, he took out Grand Fisher in one swipe, and his forearms are thicker than my legs.
Uryuu: That sucks.
Ichigo: Yeah. It does.

Heheh...it's phunny. Ahhhhh good I want chapter 188. Tomorrow..... can't wait for

an article from the NY Times about how to code fruit now with lasers instead of stickers. How its not only for convienence but also to track our food for security. Not only that...this was probably the best "idea" in the whole article. Riiiiiiiiiight.

With the right scanning technology the produce could even be bar-coded with lots of information: where it comes from, who grew it, who picked it, even how many calories it has per serving," said Fred Durand III, president of Durand-Wayland. "You could have a green pepper that was completely covered with coding. Or you could sell advertising space.

The Riots in China are slowly growing...Hopefully they will actually be able to do something. In a lot of ways sometimes, I feel like China is this country of so many different contrasts. We'll see.

An article on Bush about the CIA incident stuff. If you don't have an NY Times account here is the BBC article. Gah. Only 3 more years. When I think about it....sometimes I feel like just fainting....the damange...the damange!

And lookie here, The KMT in Taiwan hold1st ever leadership elections in over 100 years. Could be interesting.

Lao Tribes were forced to leave their homes for the city to accommodate the US govt and EU's crack down on Opium Poppy Trade. Even though I really don't like Opium and it pisses me off to hear about Opium of any sort, this sort of pisses me off even more in the fact that the trade in Lao was only a very minor player and now in retrospect, authorities are saying

Western embassies concede that their anti-drug policy may have been over-zealously implemented.

Seriously...I feel like for almost anything that the US gov't takes on, it ends up saying this in the end. The tribes are having issues in regards to being uprooted, losing their livelyhood...etc etc...sigh. I'm goin to huddle in a little cave somewhere and live on my own.

Final Article. At least I'll try. Its about the Muslim Response to the Bombings in London on Blogs and the different responses and how people want a response from the Muslim Community...but its so big and varied in opinion that that is expectin too much.

A spectacular Flickr of some 4th of July sparkler Pictures. I think they used a long exposure to get those pics but its pretty sweet.

An article from the Pacific News Service about Marijuana, from a kid and his experince with his friends when they are stoned.

So Becky was over last night, cause she won't be around this weekend. We went out to eat at Red Robins because I've had this horrible craving for their french fries. After eating there I have to say....I've gotten old and can't take greasy foods anymore. My tummy just didn't sit well after that burger...even though it was really good. I'm so WEAK! oh gah. how am I goign to go home and have all my spicy food. I have this dish at home...its roughly translated as...knight of something or other. Its basically this huge big bowl, cabbage at the bottom, meat on the top and full of oil and spicyness and I think boiled in water. Ohhhh its soooooooo good and bad for you but it's so oil I'm not going to make it.

I give up. Just leave me here to rot to high heaven.
Posted by Steviek @ 08:14 | Link


Sucking out the Marrow 

Yeah so. This was a pic from the end of the year when we were having cochair transitions. I'm at work...which is the only place I will have internet for the rest of the week and they don't have any sort of photo editing. so It's sideways. Sorry. But it's still pretty cool looking at it from the side like that. I've been meaning to post it up for awhile anyways.

OpenMic Xanga Some people I don't know. I know Marcia and she post. some of them are really good. Check out the one about poker...I love it.

SO this weekend. I just hung out in ann arbor. I ended up being the photo assistant of a one stephen ahn aka Marcia's boyfriend. I don't think I've ever see so many pictures of me on one computer and that just freaks me out. If I could and if it wouldn't piss people off...namely mr. ahn and the proactive team, I would go through and delete them....my hand just itches. But maybe its made up by the fact that we have pictures of Hugo in a white robe, light pink scarf and flipflops. hmmmm no...close but no. I really don't like pictures of me....I don't like looking in the mirror...why would I like seeing pictures that won't disapper even if I move. hell no.

But we went to get a massage on sunday. It was sweet and I feel lots better. Pretty sore but lots better...hopefully I don't tense up too much. The guy found all my knots and slowly worked them out...mmmhmmm wanna go back. After about 5 - 10 mins, I could feel everythign loosen and I felt my arms tingle and I was like...ahhh we've past the point of no return. I love massages...they losen your muscles but not only that...you pay someone to touch you...man that sounds so shady. But honestly... I love the warmth of people and their palms...they are the next best things to my flannel bed and lying under lamp shades and lying on top of anything rock like that has sucked in the warmth of the sun.

Saturday night I had a bought of insomnia. I get them every few months or so where I just can't sleep and I'll just lie there kind of on the cusp of conciousness...not sleeping but not fully awake. After awhile I give up and get up and do something. Usually read. Didn't want to read lsat. So I just sat around with stephen till the birds started chirping. God...I haven't been up that late in a long time. But I'm better now.

I guess this is many an update post of my life. Nothing interesting to share or anything like that. I'm pretty boring I guess...no I know.

A skateboarder jumped the great wall of china. I'm too lazy to link it. Go search for it on Google news and a bunch of stuff will pop up.

Do you ever think of the habits that we build. We are just habit driven people. I had a dream the other night about how I was explaining what I do before I got to bed and how I sleep...to someone, I can't remember who. I guess...for daily things that I do...I'm really habit driven, I do the same things after I get up in the morning and before I go to bed. I would have to say that if there was anything that was consistent in my life it was the order that I do things when I get up in the morning and how I get ready for bed. Or the most consistent. I guess that makes me a pretty boring person, but it makes my life so much simpler and easier to deal with. But think about it...all those habits!
  • Morning Routine: Getup, put in contacts, brush teeth, washface (peeing can be dispersed wherever, usually after contacts) dress, eat food/drink tea, head out to face the rest of the world
  • Night Routine: Take out contacts, brush teeth, take a shower and wash my face, dress, blowdry hair, go to bed
  • Fall asleep routine ;3
  • Three bottles of water a day
  • Three meals a day? what you eat?
  • Number of hours of sleep

Not even just routines! How you do thing? How you cook, How you clean, how you wash the dishes, wash your clothes, turn on your car, talk....wow...if you really thought about it we would be useless if we couldn't do habits.

That's about it for today I think. I'll probably edit as I please.

Posted by Steviek @ 10:25 | Link


Split the Sky 

So I've just picked up the translation of 187 of bleach here. You need to register to read the translations. They are well worth registering for. The raw scans haven't even been released yet and I've just been itching to read the chapter, after 186 where Ichigo's dad shows up. I got to the end of 187 and all I can say is "NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooO! *gasp* NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" but since I'm at work it was a silent "Nooooo" *gasp* "NOooooo" (shortened so you would have to go through it all over again). I was so frustrated that I raised my fists to the sky. Ahhhh life is so hard.

A lot of people were saying that Kubo (the mangaka: manga author) has made the series excellent with this newest arc which just brings it up a notch. I have to agree but I also have to say he was excellent before then. The fact that the Soul Society arc and Rukia's execution just ended and this is already stepping off the pages well...duh, not many people would have the imagination or the drive to have such a complicated story and keep you intrested in the 187 chapters...this thing is going to last so long. Arrrgh. Ok I'm done with my manga section.

*Thanks for that commercial break Bob, and now on to the serious portion of the news*
A shamless plug to get people involved and interested. Check it out. I think I'm going to try and pick it up for UAAO.
The new 2005-06 edition of the National Asian Pacific American
Political Almanac - The indispensable guide to Asian Pacific American

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The National Political Almanac was sponsored with a grant from SBC. The almanac was co-edited by Nakanishi, Kwok and James S. Lai, assistant professor of political science and ethnic studies at Santa Clara (Calif.) University.


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payable to "APAICS".

Pieces of Cake (since Stephen refuses to really confirm to using it, I will ;p)
Changin' my Life: Eternal Snow So I've been posting her stuff lately, but this song is from the Full Moon wo Sagashite Anime. It's one of my favorite songs and i can sing along with every word even though I don't know much Japanese ;3

Its a bit slow so I'll include this. It's the Bleach season1 opening song. I have only seen one episode but I can't remember it. I like this cause near the middle end there's this pause and then they start singing...its cool yeah just listen yourself. Orange Range- Asterisk

How Costco totally beats on Walmart and Why
Posted by Steviek @ 08:26 | Link


Green as your Nose 

For Surfers, a Roving Hot Spot that shares Woot! Wifi without the attachments and you can have lots of people on it. And its greeeeeeeeen ;3

An article from the NY times about a house robot called nuvo. The woman who writes the article is really phunny. She tests out Nuvo for 4 days and I can imagine myself doing the same exact things as she did with Nuvo. I want one now ;3

Green Buildings
I don't know how long ago, but I started having this fasination with Green Buildings. Basicly the building is built so that it has the least impact on the enviornment in different aspects such as water usage, energy usage, waste recyled reuse, etc etc. They try and integrated the building with the enviornment surrounding it as much as possible. Builds are something that humans put up because of a need for protection and shelter, I really don't feel that there will ever be a way for it to "be a part of nature", but I think that we should try and keep its impact low.

Most of the time, because of the type of material used to build these things and the time it takes to design and creat a building, the costs are higher. However, in the long run, the operating costs of these buildings are much much lower. This is due to things like, solar panels, reuse of water from toilets, collecting rainwater for usage, and my favorite: creating the building so that it takes advantage of the natural sunlight, usually the building is slanted in such a way to allow for sunlight in all areas of the building, and setting up ventilation that reduces the need for heating and air conditioning, such as taking advantage of the wind outside or the set up of the locations of the vents.

When this idea first came out, a lot of people were skepitcal, lately the tide is turning. Also, there are more architects and builders willing to build something like this, and enough suppliers of the special material to make it cost possible. This is just way too cool and it tickles me way too much. I want to live in one.

This is the best site that I found about Green Buildings. It provides indepth information about the different aspects of how to build green buildings. It also gives examples, benefit, etc. It pretty much lays it out for you on how it is. If you want a good intro, this is a good site.

Some initiatives of Green Buildings and some basic facts. The websites is pretty cool too, also talks about Weapons of mass desctruction, Climate changes, water, and recycling.

The US Green Building Council Provides information on legislations, the certificites that buildings can get, resources, news, workshops: cool things like that.

Whole Building Design Guide gives further information on tips and specifc designs for people. caool.

Hand Outs
Here's today's music. It's TM Revoution again. Its one of my favorites...its pretty fast. If you listen carefully at the beginning, you will hear water running as the artist burshes his teeth and hums the song. I don't know why I think its so great oh well ;3 Actually the first like month, whenever I heard this song I thought someone was calling my name. There's a part at the beginning of the song where a girl is calling someone. And I thought I would be hearing things when I heard the song and I would look all over my room. It was really phunny now that I think of it...but kind of frightening...ahhh well. Here's to my stupidity
Oh! My girl, Oh! My God!: TM Revolution *Right Click, Save as Target* Enjoy

I lied when I said that I loved you. Oh does that hurt....too bad

I was bored and took the test again...cause I'm obsessed. I was being truthful but I was feeling a little mean. YEAH ICHIGO;3 I'm going to try and get reji, his pic is soooo phunny

Take The quiz yourself

OK! Phew...I gave up. So I took it like over 15 times at least I kept getting Ichigo or Ishida. arrrgh. I don't know how to get Renji, but here he is. I cheated, don't tell. But tell me that the words on the pic don't give you a pause and then burst of laughter. Cause I know it me ;D

Take The quiz yourself
Posted by Steviek @ 08:07 | Link


Nothing Much Except... 

Hide your eyes when you hold my hand, give me hugs, play with my hair,
Hide your eyes when you lean close and call to tell me the color of your sky and the number of jelly beans you have eaten.
Hide your eyes when I smile at you,

Because I don't want you to see when my weakness well up between the cracks of my earth,
How much I really need you and the comfort you bring.
Even as I work at breaking the wire that hangs between us with my own hand, I attach another click somewhere else.

So Hide your eyes and walk blindly in this world for me.

So there has been this little email going back between some of my friends about the newest Fast and Furious 3 movie. The story line is some guy goes to Tokyo and races. These are the comments. THey make me laugh cause these are my friends...and they are great

1st Email response: Stephen
when they announced this a while back, all signs pointed to the lead being a
white male.

who of course, comes to dominate a sport ruled by asians and woos their women.

white men can do/be/win anything!



2nd Email response: Chris
Yea man,

omg that pisses the shit out of me. I can picture it now... white guy moves to
japan, beats asians at "their own sport", then hes comes home and fucks the
asian chick.

and of course, theres gonna be a big bald asian meat heat probably playing the
bad guy...whos only lines are


The end. Wasn't that a great story. The sad part about it is that these two are probably right

Sharing Sharing....
Changin' my Life: Dahlia *right click and Save target as* Like this song. It gets stuck in your head really easily. Gawin always use to make phun of it....she almost ruined the song but if I sing loud enough I block out the sound of her voice ;D It's kind of jazzy...enjoy

And just because I'm nice and I haven't shared a lot in awhile...I'll put up two links k :3 T.M. Revolution: Destined for This is the guy who sang a song for the newest Spiderman movie. I haven't heard it, but his other stuff hypes me up. This is a bit of a slow one...but most of his songs are really quick.

This is from the Seattle Indymedia, an article about how people in Seattle, Stand Up Seattle were protesting military recruitment and the result. There are more links on the site for more information.

An article from Pacific News Service about if Asians and learning to think like asians, not comforming to what should be thought. I really like pacific News Service. Check it out

That's it for today. Out to go make a few children cry ;3
Posted by Steviek @ 09:30 | Link



Marcia wrote this for me. Makes me happy.

For Stephanie

The girl in the mirror looks at me and wonders when we will meet again.

And I want to ask her what she sees

how she sees it
what color it is,
how it smells


and why.

She questions
the same as mine

but we do not quite meet at the same place

in the same time.

Still, I seek the conclusions that she does not have
because conclusions are not what she has to give

And she asks because she cannot give me the senses that I seek for

in the underscored order I unconsciously ask it

And so we frustrate our confines of two and three dimensional answers with
four and one dimensional questions manifested in dew drops that only lend comfort in seconds while the minutes of cubicle color continue to close in

Frustrate into an understanding that
the girl in the mirror does not know the woman that is looking back

heart wondering when she will be able to see forward

Yet again she knows that I know that she knows that I

in the moment that does not two or three dimensional appear
in that moment
the girl becames herself and I passes through the mirror without knowing that she’s left.

Left a woman through the mirror within and without myself
freeing the confines of neurons pursuing circles that were already absolved by an understanding beyond
and in that continuum conclusions will be dissolved

answers will became questions become answers become questions became
and she will as she was as she is as I is as I was as I will as I…be.

So it was able to turn out the exact way she wrote it cause of stupid coding.. but ;D

Commute Found this pic on a NY article, linked above. Something about it gets me.

Slchang quote of the day to wrap everything up: insanity is proof that you're okay
Posted by Steviek @ 10:57 | Link

Shards of glass Only come to find... 

Star Wars mistranslations From stephen again. and for all you star wars fans. Made me laugh and it was really hard to keep in even if I am at work.

My brother said something to me today. That he didn't like to read my blog because its out of character of me. I guess my questions, what am I not? What is my character?

I remember having a conversation with my friends....I have a hard time with people who change with who they are with. I have a hard time with myself when I do that. Part of it relates back to Jr. High and High School, when a few of my "friends" kind of did a double face. They didn't really try and stick the knife in really hard...the just didn't really try and stop it you know what I mean? And it wasn't really till afterwards that I knew the truth. The people I grew up around with, it was really hard to figure out who was real and what should be see through cause it all looked the same.

So I was thinking...do you think its still you? When you change and act a little different...a little more giddy, or like me at work, a little more quiet and polite? I always...in anything I do...try and find that one true value..which I think shouldn't be changeable...eternal core value that is your personality and thats what you should stick with...It's hard for me to figure, is your personality, the way you are...do you dress it up and decorate it, ontop of the core or do you actually try and hide it with different coats and layers so you can't see it at all. I always think you should walk around with the core unclothed...sorry for back of letter wording...but that's the way I view it...But I know I change too when I'm around other people or atmosphere....is it right? is it wrong? or is it inbetween.

Menstrual Cycle
Ok, so I felt like...I needed to provide some information on periods. It think its really amazing the number of people (*ahem* guys) who really have no idea about this whole thing. It's like a magical mystery to them. It's not. It's blood. And it can drip out of your body for anywhere from 3 - 9 days...maybe even more or less depending on how lucky or unlucky you are. I get cramps...they just are pains in your lower abs, especially if I'm exersizing at the same time as my period is happening.

Also most people know that the whole process is that it is shedding the skin that has developed right? Most, or ok I thought originally that it was just blood that came out, that the layer inside would disinigrate into blood and leak out. Nope...skin chunks come out....they're kind of slimly and see through and weird, but packed full of blood. And another thing to think about...that blood...it smells funky...like its gone bad. Yeah that's right...it smells imagine that ;p

I don't know for other people, but the week my period is here, I feel really sluggish and tired. especially if I don't get enough sleep. ANd if I push myself too hard then I usually get sick after my period. I think in that aspect I'm a little weaker than others on my period. donno....that's another problem, rarely do women compare their periods. We only talk about days comparison...like that is enough....why don't we talk about it?

So that's the crash course/not really...there's more if you want to know... in the links below
Irregular stuff

Basic Information

And I really liked this line in one of the links...
Many times, young women are frightened when they discover dark clumps of tissue in their menstruation. Most often, this is a part of the endometrium (uterine lining) shedding and is nothing to be concerned about.
And guys too I'm sure fufuf
Posted by Steviek @ 09:11 | Link


Sugar coat that Smile baby... 

Chocolate Sushi Sushi from stephen, check it out

I was going to post a S.H.E.: exact translation of song is not avalible due to bad chinese but I'm not able to cause its not in a mp3 format, I just realized. It was going to be the first chinese I've posted, sooooorry ;) but anyways, these three girls are really popular in asia. I really like this song cause they are singing about this guy and they are like, if you don't make time for me and if there's no meaning (sorry there's no real other way I can translate the meaning), etc etc then I won't go out with you. And my favorite lines are talking about how, based on his life where will a girlfriend fall and it asks who he thinks is actually going to clean his clothes, not her. Yeah empowerment sounds ;3 ok sorry the song definatlly sounds cooler in chinese...if you can understand it *fingers crossed*

Yeah so I've been surfing the web for some great pics...just seeing what people draw. That's a great site, some of the art on there is fantastic. It's mostly computer art but some of its really spectacular. I've been surfing and found some good artist like Kid-chan. If you can ignore the fact that she spells phunny...OK OK, PHunnier than me, she has really great art up...lots of it is anime kind of stuff

Norli's stuff is fantastic too.

I also found this
really cute pic of a girl. The colors and stuff are really great. It's touching for some reason. Go check out the person's stuff

I really wish I could draw that well...I'm working on it...but nothing close...we'll see. I am trying to do some inking of stuff I draw but its hard, cause I'm in this constant sketch mode and I really don't want to be doing that with pen. I guess I don't have enough confidence in my hand or pen...or enough practice. We shall seee. I know that I've gotten better...sort of. but yet again we'll see.

But really I have to move in steps. First I need to work on my drawing...and drawing bodies...faces are pretty much ok for me...but I need help with the body, the proportions, and how the clothing stretches across the body. Once I have that I can start playing with Photoshop, etc with coloring...but till then, sigh shoot...I've said till then crap etc etc too much. Shoot I'm starting to sound sappy *slap slap* snap out of it now!

But one problem I have is, why in cartoons can no one have muscles except guys huh?! Seriouslly! I have muscles...and the are bulk ok? Yeah maybe they aren't the norm...but lots of times I like them...sometimes I don't but we wont' go into that today.

Nothing too exciting in my world. Oh yesterday, marcia, stephen (marcia's boyfriend '3), steph, and hugo came up to novi for some dinner cooking. It was lots of phun. Hugo tried to drown us with olive oil and regular oil which now has caused my tummy to really rebel at eating anything. I haven't eaten that much oil in awhile sicne I've been cooking for myself. We then went swimming, jumped the fences to get in, and then finished the night with Love actually and scaring hugo out of his old man pants. FUFUFUF that's the best part...making hugo uncomfy ;3 But it was a good way to end the weekend. <3. oh geez...where is this sappiness coming from. will not. ok just to make sure I'm normal:

I will take over the world. People I hate will die....those stupid people...man I'm laughing...this isn't working. I was feeling suitable dark this morning...I'm even wearing double layers of longsleeves and they're black. Hmmmm let me think. I will come up with a way to change back don't worry...muahahahaha...ok that work.

Later...off to darken the world.

Yup definatlly back ;3
Posted by Steviek @ 10:14 | Link


Masks that leave Scars 

So I woke up this morning....and suddenly I'm attacked with pain in my lower abs...ummm I'm not on my period so this shouldn't be happening....I'm going through my daily routine of brushing teeth and washing face in the morning and I suddenly realize that I'm almost touching the counter because I'm bent over from the pain.

My vision narrows and so I cut the teeth brushing short. Stumble into my room and just as my vision blacks out I hit the bed....not all the way on, but the most important body part on the bed...my abs....I come back around and realize that I'm lying down and really don't have the strength to do much else. I lie there for about over 10 minutes. I'm extremely warm even though the AC is on and I'm sweating big size pebbles. It feels like my vagina is being ripped off my spin....and I'm like WTF am I having a baby?! My lower back hurts really bad from the cramps and the warmth of my hands really wasn't improving the situation.

I have these candy things, "black candy" that my aunt gave me awhile...its just regular candy...nothing shady about "black candy" fufufuf that she told me to take when I was on my period. She would know, because her vagina is at a different slant in her body than the usually, she never stops having her period. It just keeps coming out..that's my understanding and because it builds up like that, she gets cists too...I feel so bad for her. I pop one in...take about a 5 minute nap and I wake up a little better. But eating is hard. I just had some sushi...and it went down ok cause it was cool...but I don't think its going to sit very well. We'll seee....

I just wanted to record the worst cramps I have ever had. Its really werid though, I didn't make any noise...its hard too cause the cramps build up and suddenly is like bamb...and then they fade away...hmmm and then they start back up.

Well anyways. Novi has a really big asian population. That or lots of people come here to do their shopping, cause there's this great Japanese food market and bakery and some odds and ends store with music, videos, anime etc. When aaron comes back, we can drive out and go shopping when he misses japan ;3 But its really comforting to just go out and see other asians doing normal things sometimes. Living out in novi here and not see anyone really...makes it depressing and makes me feel so alone. It's just a comfort and makes me happy to see little asian kids running around...sigh. Ok I think I'm going to go and lie on the couch....my tummy doesn't feel so hot.

*bluroooop* oOHMIGOD...its a baby!! ;3 and it looks like this

Tootals...say congrats to my baby ;p
Posted by Steviek @ 15:12 | Link


Tattoo me Hard 

I'm going through some of my old emails and pulling up really interesting articles, so here's the postings and links. I thought this was going to be a short post, but it actually ended up being pretty long whooopps.

Oh yes! Oh yes it is mr. pig! My favorite pig from Shinsengumi Imon Peace Maker & Peace Maker Kurogane. The second is like a second season. Really good manga, and being published in the US, but they started with the second series first, don't know why. They have problems what can we say

A Concise History of Black-White RElations in the USA <- its a comic, you don't really have to read anything ok. Just click. APIAs, Women, Unequal Pay & Social Security

What's an Otaku you say? You better find out before its too late ;3 Fufufufu

The money behind Ward Connerly If you don't know what's going on then read

The Power and the Glory
Myths of American exceptionalism

Criticizing Patriot Act Lands Manlin Chee, Asian American Lawyer, in Jail
News Report
Ahhhh man

A horrible view on Native Americans and how the US govt should treat them

You know that pic I was talking about finding the colored one. Well I found this one...pretty sweet ain't it ;D except all the orange I'm going to be blown away ;p

So I'm really not that interesting today. I wish I could be. But its friday and its time for the weekend and phun. And I don't have as much time at work to site and surf, because I actually have stuff to do, phonecalls, making excel sheets, emails and such...so I'm not as up on the news....oh boo an uneducated stephanie

The Backwardness of Sex Selection Technologies
Organizing Director

As the eldest girl of a family with three daughters and a son, it was
notuntil I was adult that I realized that my very poor immigrant parents
kepthaving children because they wanted a boy. Somehow it was etched into
theirminds that only a son could carry on the family name. I have made peace
withmy parents and their beliefs, but I am not at all at peace with the factthat
female fetus abortions, infanticide, and the neglect and abandonment ofgirls in
Asia have experts estimating that nearly 100 million girls aremissing due to
beliefs similar to my parents. As a result, today sex ratiosin parts of India
are as low as 766 girls per 1000 male children. In Chinain 1996, there were 121
boys ages 1 to 4 for every 100 girls in the same agerange. Now the marketing and
promotion of sex selection technology (likesperm sorting) is threatening to make
this even worse.

But before we shake our heads and wag our fingers in dismay at
the“backwardness” of Asian culture, we need to also expand our focus andconcern
to emerging trends of the marketing and use of sex selectiontechnologies right
here on our home turf. This past year, advertisements inthe New York Times,
American and Delta Airlines in-flight magazines andSouth Asian American
community publications ask, “Do you want to choose thegender of your next
child?” and promise to make it possible.

Unlike other countries, sex selection in the United States as a whole
seemsto be driven less by cultural norms, such as son preferences, and more by
acombination of biotechnology and marketing. These new,
pre-pregnancytechnologies challenge us to reframe the debate and avert the
future dangersof “designer babies.” The Assisted Reproduction Industry markets
sexselection under the rubric of “family balancing” or “gender balance”, andsome
people are willing to pay $10,000 – $15,000 to get (or buy) the genderof their
choice. Marketers hope to “normalize” this practice of sexselection and are
working to make this technology widespread and cheaper.Consider this, we
perceive cosmetic surgery as a luxury for the rich andfamous, but today over 65
percent of elective cosmetic surgery is done bywomen with household incomes
between $25,000 and $55,000.

Commercialized sex selection poses several important risks for women
andcivil society. Gender is one of the most significant determinants of
lifeexperiences, and if we are willing to open the door to engineering
thischaracteristic, where do we draw the line? Recently a research
projectdocumented that the vast majority of CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies
aremale, heterosexual, light-skinned and 6 feet tall. Will couples wanting
togive their children an edge in life select for such traits? Today we selectfor
gender. Tomorrow will we select for homosexuality, skin color, eyecolor, IQ,
height and muscles?

Sex selection challenges feminist and social justice activists
nationallyand internationally in significant ways. Much of the women’s
reproductiverights movement is based on a pro-choice paradigm of a “woman’s
right tochoice” and the right to privacy. We need to grapple with and draw
somelines about what “choice” and “privacy” mean in the context of the
newreproductive and genetic biotechnologies. Certainly it cannot mean
theunfettered right to a market-based eugenic future. The political climate
inthe United States is ripe to debate the language of “choice” and consolidatea
framework that takes on these ethical challenges.

We already know how these technologies travel in the form of “reproductivetourism” and we know about the race to the bottom of the most unregulatedindustries. These pre-pregnancy technologies have the capacity to decimatethe number of women and girls born in some countries. This preference formale offspring is an ancient problem in Asia. Yet even in countries likeIndia and China there is a ban on the marketing of these new sex selectiontechnologies because they see the dangers of the widespread use of thesemodern technologies now and in the future. Most European Union countrieshave banned this use. Here in the United States we are free to market thistechnology as we want. Which country is really the “backward” country?
Posted by Steviek @ 09:51 | Link


Divide me Kitsuki... 

Mecha for $38,000 on Ebay Check it out. It's only on bid for another day. But the thing is over 18ft tall and was put together for research and has all these little extras...like lighting, heating...they just ran out of money to fund the project. And can you imagine, there are now over 16 people who have bidded on it! for 38K?! You could buy a car...a nice apartment....waaaaaaaah....O.o my eyes are so wide!

OMIGOD OMIGOD! WHat the hell! Ok, so Bleach Portal Provides the raws/not scanlated of the Manga Bleach. But so anyways...people have only scanlated (they scan the pages in, and then translate them -> its a lot more difficult than it sounds) up to 184. So I picked up chp 185 and 186 just to see the pictures...OMIGOD....all these things you don't know...the pictures...they give you half of the story...but you really need the damn words. Where the hell is Aaron when I need him. AARON COME BACK!...sob sob sob....hell....God I'm getting this achy feeling in my chest when i get frustrated and just want to hyperventilate!

oh ok...I'm better now. I found the translation. Well I joined lots of groups, finally found the translations....felt calm for about 5 sec and realized that I NEEEEEEEED The next chapter. Oh this is killing me.

Anyways. I happen to be bored this morning and flipped on the news while I was eating breakfast. And England was splashed all over the news about the bombs. It was eery how they were describing it. They said that a city of that size...the streets were silent and people were walking all over the places, but the police had put down a quarintine and people were not allowed to take the subway, people crowding pubs but not saying a thing etc etc...it was scary and the sad thing is.....Silence hurts sometimes. I was also thinknig about the fact that yesterday they had just won the olympic bid for 2012 and how I kind of wished it had been in Paris. But its just weird how 12 hrs can make such a difference in what you're feeling. I'm not going to post any links, its all over the news and you can look up news sites yourself, or use the ones over on the right ;p

Compelling interest of Race in Admissions A very good and interesting short book on the title mentioned. I think that before you point the finger at someone about preferences, losing "your" spot, whatever, read and understand the issue. It uses studies that have been done to give support to its summary.

Sharing or No? nothing to share today. I'm going to start trying to get some L'arc and jay chou on here. We will see....;D Probably not any L'arc now that I think about it...they are really good, but pretty popular...you can find it yourselves...yet again ;o

Picture for phun: He's from Bleach, Rukia's childhood friend with weird tatoos as eyebrows....he's pretty cute *woof woof* ;3
Posted by Steviek @ 13:52 | Link


I dream of Ichigo 

I wish I did...but I've been too tired lately to actually dream. There are some good color pics, people coloring in or the mangaka (manga author) coloring in, but something about this pic gets me...and the writing behind it ;3 I have a colored one at home. I'll go home and check it out again and see if its any good. But I usually like the black and white the best

So for the last couple of days, I forgot to mention some other things that happened to me.
1) When I went camping I got a misquito bit on my upper butt...but when I got home I realized that I had gotten TWO bites! oh the horror! hehehe...the itch like maaaad
2) I got this sweeeeeeeeeet 120 Gig external harddrive. All silver and shiney...smooth...sexy...miiiiiiine. *Snuggles with it for a couple of minutes* If only all my guys could be like that too ;3
3) The reason I got the 120 gig is because my laptop is having issues and needs to be sent in...oh my heart...I hope my baby comes back ok. I'm such a computer freak compared to the general population, while in other comparisons, I don't know anything about computers ;3

Other things to share, other than Ichigo:
Another Mika Nakashima: Fake *Right Click & Save as target* Not sure which albumn its from. Most likely the most recent. This song is really jazz and smooth. I really like it. I am currently listening to it over and over at work. niiiiiiice.

Sad things of Women and Society/culture:
So, today I am downtown detroit again making phone calls. So I make a phone call and I'm usually talking to someone in engineering and the lady refers me to someone, and when she says the name my first thought is, "Don" as in a guy. I then get transfered over and I get a voicemail, but I still think Don is a guy, even though the person on the Voicemail is a woman...I'm thinking oh this must be his secretary. It's not until I hang up that I realize that it could be "Dawn". My expectations and heuristic slips up, made me think that it had to be a man, when in actuality there is no such thing.

It makes me so frustrated and angry at myself, that even I, not that being a woman should make me immune to the teachings of society *I mean I still wear pink....ugg* But I think that as a woman I should be more aware of these kinds of thought patterns that are taught to us. But sometimes it is so hard and automatic. How do I stop myself? How do I stop others?

My brain has been wired as such, I need to rewire my thought process.

So I get them...not so easily...well easily. Oh stop lying. Anyways. Usually obsessions are varying...and some obsessions are easier than others. If there are lots of people out there who are also obsessed and collect info and pics like me, then the obsession is stronger then if not many are obsessed. But I'm still obsessed!

What do you obsess about?

Not too long of a post today. Just lots of stuff to look at or listen to ;3

A nice Bleach Image/Scan Gallery
Posted by Steviek @ 09:38 | Link


Bleach the Stains in your Heart 

NY Times article about Mao's Myths and how people in china are somewhat brain washed. Nothing new, but interesting still. It mentions a book and some facts that really show the dark side of the revolution and the long march

Another quiz, its for Bleach(anime and Manga) which is actually pretty cool. Its about this guy who can see spiritual monstors and shiniguame's (Death Gods, they come and take your soul when you die) So anyways, he gets involved with this Shinighuame (which I don't spell correctly, and actually ends up taking her power, and his own spiritual power is enourmous...but now he can't give it back to her for some reason and she needs to kill monsters and pick ups souls, so she makes him do it ;D It's actually pretty phunny and once I get more harddrive on my comptur, I will be getting the manga, but I think its kind of long...oh well. And visually please. This quiz is acceptable for all ages. Quiz away! ps the site is actually a wealth of information on bleach too...so check it out.

SideNote: so this post was suppose to be posted on Friday, and look here it is tuesday. But during the weekend I read over 20 vol of Bleached and loved it. Its so phunny. The last couple of volumns have been slow and serious....it gets the DBZ feel with all the fights over and over, but its pretty phunny and I like it a lot. Reallly unique story line. And after reading it...the quiz was so right ;D heheh try try

Take The quiz yourself

I'm really getting amused by these anime/manga quizes. Be on the look out for more. I definatlly will be looking for more ;3

So for the next two weeks I will be in downtown detroit for the next two weeks of GM shutdown. If you are there and want to do lunch, just give me a call. That means you MADHU! Ok, anyways ;3 <- New favorite little smiley face. If only I could remember to use it. Ok hurry hurry! Must type about this weekend before I forget, or I lose my damn post again. Honestly!

Ok so, on Friday, I left work early and took shari to the airport. After that, I went home and chilled out, it was really nice, went to bed at 11pm and didn't wake up till oh...around 8? Earlier...but then I just layed there ;D But till about saturday afternoon, I just lazed around, stealing wireless and reading BLeach. I went and picked up Steph in Ann Arbor and then we went and got some packets of Udon noodles and cooked them at home and then pigged out infront of the TV. Lots of phun. We watched Parent Trap and Monsoon Wedding...Well Beth watched Monsoon Wedding, I played in my laptop and Steph took a nap.

We didn't go to bed till about 3:30...so we got a slow start the next morning. But we then went to the mall to get steph a build a bear for John and then we ended up hanging out there for awhile. Steph bought a ton of stuff. PANTS WITHOUT HOLES! ;3 I bought a bit, but not too much...just some lotion and lip stuff. I'm going back for more lip stuff...I don't know why I like lip stuff so much. A Nyways...la lalal...so then around the afternoon....a little before 4, we drove out to brighton, which is actually really close. We checked in and went to our site, which was pretty sweet...tree=shade= YEAH! We went down to the lake side and checked out the swings and stuff like that. But then we got bored, so steph and I went back to the site and threw everything out of the car and then laid there for like...an hr! hehehe...I actually fell asleep but steph was antsy. Why didn't we set up stuff you say? Cause no one else was there adn they definatlly had all the tents and stuff like that...so we just veggitated.

Just so you have alittle understanding, Hugo, Cliff, Steph, Marcia, and Stephen went to costco to buy food....they ended up spending 80 bucks for meat! ~20 lb....it became a running theme of the whole 24hr of camping that we eat meat. They also I would like to mention bought fake nalgenes....4 for 10...gaaaaaaaah. Anyways. They arrived and pilled out of the car, hugo, cliff, john, marcia, and stephen...I don't know how they made it with all those people and then all their stuff....so hugo and cliff started setting up the grill and the rest of us went down to the beach. The shallow water was pretty gross and for a while there...I was kind of nervouse about the water...cause I really don't like water getting in my vagina...its a sensitive area and when I get out of the water, not all of it will get out...so it just festers inside of me and I'm thinking...stephen just mentioned something about michigan lakes and parasites. EWWWWWWWWWW. ohmigod ewwww....

so we were swimming around....and I really wanted to get out to the middle of the lake...and just float...so I was like...lets swim out to the island and back. And marcia, stephen, and steph just looked at me....but everyone, including john and I started swimming out. fufufuf....so we were swimming and swimming....it took about 15 min to get out there and 15 maybe to come back...not bad at all ;D but about 3/4 over there...stephen and steph started lookin tired...so I was like...maybe we should turn back....or just float in the middle of the lake for a bit....stephen got annoyed and started swimming back. But John and Marcia were like we have a goal! lets go...so ;3 But stephen looked so phunny....his eyebrows and his hair has gotten pretty long lately. He looked like this kind of shady old asian man. Marcia and I started cracking up and couldn't stop and she was like...oh man I was trying to save my energy...hehehe

So we swam and swam and then we got near the "island" cause we realized that it might not be an island and actually....the other side ;D so we touched the weeds and decided to head back. THat was one of the best parts of the day. hehehe specially when we realized that it might not be an island So then we hung around the beach for awhile then got hungry and headed back...but I guess there wasn't any food cause I mean...it was going to take an hr to set up the grill, an hr to prep the meat or whatever and then another hr just to grill... It didn't really actually work out that way...but we really didn't get food fro 3 hrs...so I was partly right ;D Anyways sooo we sat around eating meat, hotdogs, chicken, corn and chilling...it was phun. We set up the tents and started the fire....man I don't remember going through wood that fast anymore...hmmmm it seemed like we kept having to throw wood in, but Joe Reily and later Hugo went into the forest and came back with a whole host of wood. We also ended up throwing this huge can of beans that Hugo had for some reason in the fire pit so it would cook. We got a can opener from the group across the street...they had like 30 people from an neighbor and they kept running around...all those kids...but they were nice. I think they thought we were poor college students (which we are) and so we couldn't spend money on firewood...which we really didn't want to, so they gave us some fire wood and this one guy tried to chop it for us...he had an axe and then after he left Hugo was like....I want an axe....sometimes *eye roll*

So we ate and ate and just sat around chilling. The people across the street started playing this cd...over and over again. THere was some evanecance and Queen...but over and over. For awhile it stopped but then started up again. I had yelled at John about sticks and marshmellow sticks...So he whittled and carved this super ass long stick for me...with THREE! let me repeat. THREE prongs on the end. SO SWEET! and it had my name carved on it and the date at the end. But I left it there for the next couple of campers...More people will enjoy it that way. So it was getting dark and we had joe pull out his gutair and start singing...he's so good really good...and he's good at impromto stuff too...he sang a great song about marshmello sticks, the monstor under bishop lake and marcia. It was great. And then we passed the gutair around to stephen for sing alongs...he still hasn't learned more than words...man...;p that is all I have to say. And then Hugo played a little jazz.. it was nice...started falling asleep, specially since marcia was massaging my head and petting my hair....mmmm its so soothing when people play with your hair and pet your back.

Oh I also made some marshmellows....with my...THREE PRONG MARSHMELLOW STICK! woo hoo ;D I love them a little crunchy on the outside and all melty inside. Hugo was estatic over them, even though he likes them burnt...man that's what you get for camping for over 20 years of your life ;3 sweet marshmellows. Man I love those things. The people across the street really appreciated the music and wanted it louder...but our voices are only so loud. ANd a park ranger came around at midnight to say its quiet hrs and we should wrap up....ahhh booo. But I'm glad some people could enjoy the music. So we decided to brush teeth and stuff...I took out my contacts and could only see blurry stuff. Oh I forgot. As we got up to move around, we saw racoons eating our buns...uhoh. We tried to scare them off but they wouldn't runn of...and then someone decided to scare them off with a....bun. Yes ladies and gentleman, a bun was thrown at the racoons...which made sure that they didn't leave. So we did Pee waves and then started cleaning up int he dark. once we got that settled, some of them decided to walk around in the dark...I was too tired to think anymore. So I went to bed. Steph and Noelle came in later, And marcia much later....she said she fell asleep in front of hte fire for 4 hrs. Oh geez. As I kept sleeping...we were sleeping on a hill so I kept sliding down and I would wake up and start pushing myself back up likea little catipiler that we found the next morning....my butt's too big to sleep ont he ground...my lower back couldn't even touch the ground. And sleeping on my side didn't work really cause my hips kept digging into the ground. So I alternated between my front and back. And during the front, my hands would fall asleep and I would start to drool... When marcia came in...she put a pillow near me...so I keep saying pillow pillow...I really was half asleep....I think she thought I wanted it...but really I just was saying the word...she ended up giving it to steph ;D Anyways. Next morning...I start burning up...I had on jeans, a tank top, a long sleeve and then a sweat shirt. I last till about 8? and then I had to take off the sweat shirt. SO I stumble out of hte tent around 9:20...you really can't sleep late when you camp cause...welll it gets hot and the sun rises and there's light all over the place.

So I get up and Cliff and Hugo are already attacking the meat. That makes me sick so I'm sticking with non meat stufff...even the veggie burger was too like meat for me oh well sigh. SO we just keep eating and eating...marcia, john and joe left for some sing along in lansing....and we just keep eating. STeph wants to go to the beach. SO we go and then Hugo and her go swimming while cliff, stephen and I just chill. Steph then demands that we go to ice cream. ;3 We then go into brighton and unfortunatly steph got ice cream first....she got double scoops and a waffle cone and it was all down hill from there...ever one else got double schoops and waffles except for stephen who got a cup. I was so sick by the end that I about barfed. But I got something called bumby road...which was really really good. yum yum. So but that was about it ;D ;3 phun and wished we could have stayed longer but it was still good.

Sharing portion of blog
So to share for today, I've uploaded the first chapter of Bleach. It's good, check it out. That's all I will say. YOu can get the rest from me later, just let me know. It's just a zip of pics, so click slowly through them. And READ RIGHT TO LEFT. It's asian style so start from the top right corner work to your left and then as you go down work right to left. k ;)

Bleach Chp 1 *Right click & Save* This is a pretty big file for my ifs, so it won't be up for long...maybe a week? SO get it while you can

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